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Donald Trump


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You all will have noticed that virtually none of the worlds news media have stated that 'America' or the 'US' has pulled out of the Paris accord on 'Climate Change'.

They all categorically reported that 'Donald Trump' has pulled out of this treaty.

Does he really have the American people backing him on this monumentally  disastrous decision that most likely will not show it's true affects for a generation and that means during our Children's or Grandchildren's  lifetimes.

Haven't even the reddest of his redneck supporters seen through this almighty megalomaniac yet? He's in it purely for big business interests, mainly his own.

Wake up America, there's still time to show the world you're not just a bunch of easily led profound idiots......Lemmings!


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Actually, Woody temperatures had started to decline slowly again over the last 10,000 years. Plus the issue isn't really the increase in temperature - nature can, given time, adapt. It is the speed of the change. 100 years is a long time for us but basically instantaneous for an ecosystem. At current sea warming rates the major coral reefs will have all bleached and be gone etc etc etc. 

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25 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

Actually, Woody temperatures had started to decline slowly again over the last 10,000 years. Plus the issue isn't really the increase in temperature - nature can, given time, adapt. It is the speed of the change. 100 years is a long time for us but basically instantaneous for an ecosystem. At current sea warming rates the major coral reefs will have all bleached and be gone etc etc etc. 




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Climate in Paris seemed fine to me, says Trump


DONALD Trump is to pull out of the Paris climate accords after visiting Paris and judging the weather to be perfectly lovely. 

The president visited the French capital on his European tour and has declared all reports of issues with its climate to be fake news.

He continued: “The weather in Paris is just beautiful, believe me. They have the best weather."

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