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More than six months of Trump and he's still yammering on about Hillary. He's done so far sweet FA apart from begin to dismantle the ACA. 

Hillary Clinton colluded with the Democratic Party in order to beat Crazy Bernie Sanders. Is she allowed to so collude? Unfair to Bernie!

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18 hours ago, mojomonkey said:

woody2, I'm beginning to think you've got a secret crush on Corbyn, you never stop referencing him. 

nope, preferred him before he went mainstream.....

now this website that i have never heard of, that you claim i have provided links to......

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I can't figure the search function out properly on this new layout but I'm pretty sure you have referred to them before. If you honestly haven't then please accept my accept my apologies.


I do know that you have been involved in debates where Breitbart had been clearly referenced and given your general stance on issues I do not believe you when you say you've never heard of them.

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I just had a proper search myself and I can't see Woody2 posting anything about Breitbart.

In fact the main people posting about breitbart are Scots Alan and Rmanx (On all three of his accounts, Richard Britten, Rmanx and MDO repeatedly!). None of the people I'd consider centrist or right wing on the site have mentioned it once. 

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8 minutes ago, Tarne said:

I just had a proper search myself and I can't see Woody2 posting anything about Breitbart.

In fact the main people posting about breitbart are Scots Alan and Rmanx (On all three of his accounts, Richard Britten, Rmanx and MDO repeatedly!). None of the people I'd consider centrist or right wing on the site have mentioned it once. 

Because they know they would get called out for linking to a "news" site that makes the Daily Wail look like a beacon of love, peace and harmony.

You only have to look at the Bannon creature and his views to see what a cesspool Breitbart is.

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I just looked up another fakenews site but on the other end of the spectrum, Huffpo, as an example and once again it's the same people as the main culprit. 

Anyway, that's all a bit off topic. I was watching the "Sleep now in the Fire" video from back in the 90s and laughed at the "Donald Trump for President" signs that people were holding back then. Crazy.

The world hasn't fallen yet and Donald Trump is still president. Let's see what he's posted today

What drivel he spouts, but the underlying story is good for the energy companies. 

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