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It's very thin gruel though isn't it? The way I look at it is that if they really had something on Trump re Russia, he'd be out of office and on trial by now. They have nothing so they keep regurgitating the same old rubbish. Let's face it. If he had done something of the type suggested obliquely with nods and winks, he would have tripped himself up long ago. It was the same with his original team that was attacked from the off. They spoke to Russians. So what? They speak to all nationalities and Russia is a global player. Doesn't mean they were betraying Uncle Sam.

No. Whatever Trump is and whatever anyone may think of him, this is a witch hunt as he correctly says.

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Trade between China and North Korea grew almost 40% in the first quarter. So much for China working with us - but we had to give it a try!

4:21 AM - 5 Jul 2017
Oooh, he's on the toilet at 4 am again! Whatcha gonna do Donald? Bet it's nothing as always! 
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On 7/4/2017 at 8:43 AM, RIchard Britten said:

Sounds like an easy choice to make from your fake armchair, in your fake council house and living off your fake dole money.

Inside the real Cabinet Office. 

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"I call on all nations to confront this global threat and publicly demonstrate to North Korea that there are consequences for their very, very bad behaviour.

"I have pretty severe things that we're thinking about. That doesn't mean that we'll do them."

Utter pants president. 

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32 minutes ago, Tarne said:

Utter pants president. 

Who bombed the shit out of a Syrian military airbase.

But Cruise Missiles aren't bunker busters so the damage was probably not as bad as you would expect from 59 hits. It seems a strange number to fire but then they have a shelf life and El Trumpo was probably looking for a crowd-pleaser.

I should imagine the NK assembly lines, facilities etc are well known. So there is a military option available.

Squeaky bottom time.....

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Who's that?  I mean the threat of me stood naked on Tynwald Hill should give even Donald a scare!

Edit: Oh, google'd it, meh, I'd prefer the Judge Rinder/Christmas present one! 

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42 minutes ago, Tarne said:

I'll stand naked on top of Tynwald Hill if he orders any attacks on North Korea

He probably already has!

Several I should imagine.

I just hope he scares the Russians and Chinese as much as he scares me. He'll be seeing Putin at the G20.

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From BBC news...

"US president Donald Trump has said he expects a 'powerful' trade deal with the UK to be completed, 'very quickly.' 

Speaking at the G20 summit in Hamburg, he said he would go to London. Asked when, he said, 'we'll work that out.'

The US president is holding talks with UK Prime Minister Theresa May to discuss a post-brexit trade deal.

It is one of a series of one-to-one meetings with world leaders which will also see Mrs May hold trade talks with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe."


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