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16 hours ago, Chinahand said:

Methinks Donald Trump Jn & Sn are both in trouble. 

Those emails are pretty damning. 

Well. Trouble may be, it depends how gullible you are. But this is such an obvious set up. As Trump says: Biggest witch hunt in political history. He's upset too many establishment figures. They are out to get him and it doesn't matter how. It's all bullshit and the media is co-operating in keeping the focus solely on it.

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5 hours ago, mojomonkey said:

So it appears Trump's son was in the meeting, Trump's son in law was in the meeting, Trump's campaign manager was in the meeting, the meeting was in Trump's building and Trump was in the building at the time of the meeting, but Trump is still claiming he knew nothing of the meeting.


He's either lying or his team are making big decisions without his knowledge, either way he's looking dumber every day. Personally I think Trump liked the idea and sound of being President more than the actual day to day reality of being President. He strikes me as an overgrown spoilt child that gets bored easily.

I think you are probably right in most of what you say, but the actual accusations amount to zilch.

They were interested in info that might damage Clinton. Well, yes. They would be. But then there was no info. So what?

You could have levelled similar accusations at any presidential candidate of recent times. Difference is that they were all insiders and Trump is an outsider.

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8 minutes ago, Mr. Sausages said:

She's not the president. She doesn't send her daughter to g20 meetings. 

trumps daughter has an official post, clinton's daughter didn't, yet both went to official meetings.....

Edited by woody2
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11 hours ago, mojomonkey said:

So it appears Trump's son was in the meeting, Trump's son in law was in the meeting, Trump's campaign manager was in the meeting, the meeting was in Trump's building and Trump was in the building at the time of the meeting, but Trump is still claiming he knew nothing of the meeting.


He's either lying or his team are making big decisions without his knowledge, either way he's looking dumber every day. Personally I think Trump liked the idea and sound of being President more than the actual day to day reality of being President. He strikes me as an overgrown spoilt child that gets bored easily.

I think you underestimate him.

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5 hours ago, woolley said:

I think you are probably right in most of what you say, but the actual accusations amount to zilch.

They were interested in info that might damage Clinton. Well, yes. They would be. But then there was no info. So what?

You could have levelled similar accusations at any presidential candidate of recent times. Difference is that they were all insiders and Trump is an outsider.

But at the very least the Trump camp are made to look stupid, naive and easily manipulated i.e. perfect for Russian subversion.

Plus Junior was forced to make public how dumb he is.

I'm getting the impression that the Trump camp feel that accusations of "fake news" are like some kind of "Get Out Of Jail Free Card". Sure blindly scattering accusations like that around are going to take in the feeble minded but not the US media - well, apart from Breitbart and Fox that is....

Edited by P.K.
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7 hours ago, woolley said:

I think you are probably right in most of what you say, but the actual accusations amount to zilch.

WTF? Trump Snr will not be greatly effected as he will just deny Jnr said anything to him.

Jnr is or should be in deep doo daa. Ffair enough if he just turned up to a meeting and he was not aware what it was about but he was told in e-mails which he replied to. What part of this "is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr Trump" did Jnr not understand and that under the USA constitution seeking to get leaked information from Russia who are seeking to influence the election was really not allowed?

His explanation, when he settled on one after changing it twice as more information come out was yes I did it but it does not matter as when I got to the meeting they had nothing of interest. That is rather like a burglar breaking into your house, having a good look around, deciding there was nowt worth having, getting nicked on leaving and saying to the cops that as he did not in the end nick any stuff they cannot go him for anything. The fact you did not nick anything may mean you cannot be done for burglary, but you can probably still be done for conspiracy to commit or intent. That what Jnr has omitted if you accept him at his word, which is probably a very foolish thing to do where the trumps are concerned



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It's politics. There is always dirty dealing, especially in US politics. The bottom line is that Trump aimed for a rapprochement with Putin's Russia. That could be a very good thing in all kinds of ways, but it does not suit the US establishment and powerful military and manufacturing interests. That is why there is a witch hunt and naturally all of the liberal outlets and the traditional Washington elite are lining up behind it to put the boot in. That's what it is about. Plain and simple. For as long as this shitstorm continues, they know that Trump is hamstrung and cannot be seen to be soft on Russia. Just the way they like it. They don't give a toss about electoral probity. They are simply buttressing the status quo ante.

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2 hours ago, P.K. said:

But at the very least the Trump camp are made to look stupid, naive and easily manipulated

Says the man who takes in like a toilet every bit of propaganda emanating from Brussels and the quislings at the Guardian and the BBC. You couldn't make it up.

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4 minutes ago, woolley said:

Says the man who takes in like a toilet every bit of propaganda emanating from Brussels and the quislings at the Guardian and the BBC. You couldn't make it up.

I don't understand, its a matter of record that we agreed Brexit would have a detrimental effect on the British economy for a significant period of time!

Edited by Bobbie Bobster
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