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1 hour ago, Lost Login said:

Pongo can speak for himself but I expect he may have no problem telling you the allegations are serious and are not a witch hunt.  I certainly have no problem telling you that although I appreciate you may not agree.


All I am saying is that the level of muck raking is unprecedented and that is because of who and what Trump is. Similar could have been levelled at previous recent presidents but it was not because they were largely "on message". They were "gonna get this bastard" from day one.

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11 hours ago, woolley said:

Says the man who takes in like a toilet every bit of propaganda emanating from Brussels and the quislings at the Guardian and the BBC. You couldn't make it up.

Even by your low standards the above personal attack is somewhat weak.

Play the ball, not the man old chap.

So you're clearly a closet Trump supporter. Why am I not surprised.....?

Liked the "quislings at the Grauniad" though. Good effort. Wish I had thought of it myself. I trust you won't mind me using it as I continue to take the piss out of the "BBC left-wing bias" brigade? Thanks.

Every day is a school day to the open-minded you know....

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9 hours ago, woolley said:

Maybe Mueller's investigation isn't specifically a witch hunt, but you cannot tell me that the entire circus around this and the allegations flying around are serious and they do not amount to a witch hunt. Nor can you tell me that those making them think they hold water. It's all political. All suggestion. It's not about upholding the law. It's about getting traction for a movement to get rid of Trump. That's all.

But there's a pretty much permanent witch hunt against whoever is in the White House. At least as far back as Iran - Contra and probably Watergate there's almost always been a special prosecutor investigating the President and his retinue.



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21 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Even by your low standards the above personal attack is somewhat weak.

Play the ball, not the man old chap.

So you're clearly a closet Trump supporter. Why am I not surprised.....?

Liked the "quislings at the Grauniad" though. Good effort. Wish I had thought of it myself. I trust you won't mind me using it as I continue to take the piss out of the "BBC left-wing bias" brigade? Thanks.

Every day is a school day to the open-minded you know....

I'm sorry PK, but you have to admit that you take all the doom stuff as gospel. As for playing the man, if that had been a football tackle it would not have been an injurious one. You said yourself that the attack was weak. It was not inteded to maim.

Not so much a Trump supporter. A bit too "in your face" for me, but you will appreciate that he is mistrustful of globalist advocates as am I, and to a degree protectionist, so we share some views.

Yes. There is something new every day. Isn't life wonderful?

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26 minutes ago, Declan said:

But there's a pretty much permanent witch hunt against whoever is in the White House. At least as far back as Iran - Contra and probably Watergate there's almost always been a special prosecutor investigating the President and his retinue.



That's right Declan. But not as strident and hysterical as this one.

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24 minutes ago, Declan said:

But there's a pretty much permanent witch hunt against whoever is in the White House. At least as far back as Iran - Contra and probably Watergate there's almost always been a special prosecutor investigating the President and his retinue.

And quite rightly imho.

Question: Who watches the watchers...?

Answer: Actually they have to watch themselves.....

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely" - author - some famous bloke or other....
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13 minutes ago, woolley said:

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely"

Indeed. But as recent events have demonstrated, nobody has absolute power in a democracy such as ours and those modelled loosely on it.

And then there's fruitcakes like Kim Jong-un who have to be dealt with by the likes of Trump.

At Trump's election the world became a scarier place....

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1 hour ago, woolley said:

That's right Declan. But not as strident and hysterical as this one.

The birther claims against Obama and the Lewinsky thing against Clinton rival this. 

I'm inclined to believe that a lot of it is the way system works there in that the Legislature is often determined to block the Executive. 

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1 minute ago, Declan said:

The birther claims against Obama and the Lewinsky thing against Clinton rival this. 

I'm inclined to believe that a lot of it is the way system works there in that the Legislature is often determined to block the Executive. 

Those are cases in point, I would contend, that were not exploited as relentlessly as the current ones.

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17 minutes ago, woolley said:

Those are cases in point, I would contend, that were not exploited as relentlessly as the current ones.

The birther thing didn't continue for long because it was easily disprovable.

With the Clinton one I think you are misperceiving that because the current one is fresh in your memory and so seems bigger. Like a twenty something saying "the World's never been so dangerous" when 1944, 1916, 1666 and many other years were much more dangerous times.

The Lewinsky thing, went on for much longer (than this has so far) was exceedingly dogged and over something much more trivial. He also faced the Whitewater scandal which was ticking away throughout his presidency. Trump's only been in office 6 months. 


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23 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

We have gone through the looking glass. Without the Russian  "threat", there really is no need for the f-35, 1.2 trillion dollars worth, or enough to pay off all the student loans in America.  The us is run by the cia/military industrial complex. Making friends with russia is the only real no no for Trump

But the F-35 is simply "the continuation of politics by other means" as any fule kno.....

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