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35 minutes ago, woolley said:

I don't believe so. Even if he was suicidal, which he ain't, there is a whole system behind him that would prevent anything precipitate happening.

Keep telling you. You worry too much. Life's too short for that.

Some good advice:



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36 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

We have gone through the looking glass. Without the Russian  "threat", there really is no need for the f-35, 1.2 trillion dollars worth, or enough to pay off all the student loans in America.  The us is run by the cia/military industrial complex. Making friends with russia is the only real no no for Trump

Which is exactly what I've been saying, Stinky. Ergo, ANYONE proposing anything looking remotely like that will be hounded relentlessly so that he can get nothing done. It's a way of saying: "Look, Mr President, you just DON'T do that. We have your balls in a vice. Do you want us to tighten it any more?"

Everything else is just froth.

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A lot of information. With much more to come out of America in the coming days.


Natalia Veselnitskaya, Lawyer Who Met Trump Jr., Seen as Fearsome Moscow Insider

'William Browder, an American-born hedge fund manager who has tussled repeatedly with Ms. Veselnitskaya, said of the elder Mr. Katsyv: “In the world of Russia he’d be the equivalent of a Chris Christie: no formal relationship to the Kremlin, but with very strong relations to the powers that be.”

The family’s trust in Ms. Veselnitskaya was rewarded in May, when she helped Denis P. Katsyv, Pyotr’s son, fight the money laundering claims in New York brought by the Manhattan federal prosecutor at the time, Preet Bharara. Mr. Bharara tangled with Ms. Veselnitskaya several times and protested at one point that she had been charging the government for a $995-a-night room at the Plaza Hotel.

The case was settled two months after Mr. Bharara was dismissed by President Trump.

Prevezon Holdings, Mr. Katsyv’s company, paid $6 million to resolve the claim without admitting any crime. While the prosecution portrayed the settlement as a victory, Ms. Veselnitskaya told the newspaper Izvestia that it was “almost an apology from the government.”



On the Justice Department website is a link to download the settlement Order.

'Page 9. The Parties agree that the Complaints do not allege that any of the Defendants, Claimants, or Denis Katsyv, Alexander Litvak, or Timofey Krit, is responsible, directly or indirectly, for the arrest, detention, or death of Sergei Magnitsky, or that they have acted as an agent of, or on behalf of or in agreement with a person in a matter relating to the arrest, detention,or death of Sergei Magnitsky.'


The civil lawsuit comes nearly four years after the death in prison of whistleblower Sergei Magnitsky, a Russian lawyer who in 2007 uncovered the massive crime.

His fate outraged human rights activists and led Congress to pass in 2012 a law known as the Magnitsky act, which blacklisted Russian officials linked to human rights violations.

Days later, Moscow retaliated by barring Americans from adopting Russian orphans.


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The names of all the parties that attended the meeting Rob Goldstone set up at Trump Tower will be in the media over this weekend. The documents that were provided to the Trump representatives by the Russian attendees are now part of the investigation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Awesomeness in photo-journalism:


Ah Whitehouse rivalries and to be the new kid on the block or is that sheriff in town. 

Trump adds another foul mouthed blow hard to his team. 

Oh and another ex-general too. 

Ho hum. 

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.........so, I had a dream. last night of a green and verdant world with a big green hill..........a wide track on each side..........the 'goodies' lived on one side and the 'baddies' on the other........the goodies decided to 'help' the baddies..........they took more than they gave.........the baddies retaliated...........both sides fought and many died on both sides............they slowly stopped fighting and traded instead...........they started mixing..........there was still sporadic fighting...........eventually one side became the new goodies and the other side became the new baddies..........however on top of the hill was a completely new group called the elites...........they controlled both sides..........they had big, vicious weapons and killed many on both sides to keep control...........the new goodies and the new baddies retaliated and eventually everyone was dead............no one left............the tracks turned red then the hill was green again from the nutrients in the blood..............the Earth sighed with relief at the demise of the irritants...................................................the beginning again!



maybe I'm nuts.............or not :rolleyes:

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