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Donald Trump


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It's all a bit surreal. Could all go any number of ways. Whichever way it goes though, Trump and the stupid Americans that elected him have lost all credibility in basic commonsense.

The USA has now lost all credibility as they have elected the biggest idiot the world has ever seen.

A dangerous idiot with nukes and a massive armed forces...half of which will dump him - when push comes to shove.

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No no no. Look, don't have a lot of time for this but everything's under control. Can't you see it?

Trump comes along. Stirs the shit for the establishment. Drain the swamp etc. Gets voted in on a populist ticket.

Establishment don't like it one bit. What? Cozy up to Russia? Thwart globalisation? NO WAY you sonofabitch.

They range all of their forces against him. Congress. Courts. World Media. You name it. Load of made up bollox about him being in cahoots with Russia and Kremlin winning the election for him etc. All are happy to play along because they hate his agenda as much anyone.

They collectively hang him out to dry for 6 months.

Then someone takes him aside and says confidentially and obliquely "Mr President. We can make this 6 months of hell last for 4 years if you like. Or we can make it all calm down." and they give him some red lines about things that do not happen in the USA, like you don't challenge the status quo on the icy relationship with Russia and you don't make waves against global capital.

So now we have John F Kelly, new chief of staff, who the media magically seem to think is going to bring order to the chaos. I wonder why.

At the same time Trump has been press ganged into signing new sanctions against Russia which he would never have done on a free hand.

I tell you. It's business as usual and a return to the status quo ante. Trump is in his kennel. Mission accomplished.

Edited by woolley
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Nah, your wrong.  The world is more complex than that, and Trump, his twitter feed and his management style are going to be around and causing a stir, if getting very little done - the man can't build the alliances necessary to get political deals done - for a long time yet.

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I'm not wrong.

Of course there are other things going on and various side issues and minor battles. It is nothing to do with him getting things done. It's about him changing the status quo - and he can't and he won't.

There will be small skirmishes that he will win but the major war is over, me old China. Just you watch and inwardly digest.

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59 minutes ago, woolley said:

I think he's learning where the power lies and that it isn't in the White House.

But, but...it was all Obama and Hillary's fault...but then how can it be if they didn't have the power?

Trump was going to fix everything...but if he has no power...what use is he?

*Richard initiates a right winger paradox*...it is super effective

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30 minutes ago, woolley said:

They just do the establishment's bidding so nobody notices that the president really doesn't have the power. If the president's agenda coincides with that of the establishment nobody notices. If it doesn't, who is going to prevail? Not the president.

SO whose agenda matched the establishments and which didn't?

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