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I liked this one:


Dear diary...


"Anna Wintour came to my office at Trump Tower to ask me to meet with the editors of Conde Nast & Steven Newhouse, a friend. Will go this AM."


And this, which I assume is a written reminder of things to ask the CIA in his meeting later on. In case he forgets.


"So how and why are they so sure about hacking if they never even requested an examination of the computer servers? What is going on?"

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Re: Tarne and black people can be evil.


I think he was heavily into irony there rather than making an assertion of fact as some of you have taken it. No doubt we all know that anyone can be evil to such an extent that it hardly needs saying. The point is that "racism" is reported almost exclusively as a white disease when it is anything but.


Considering Tarne and his previous use of the term "spacker" or what ever term he used, and his parroting of yours and quilp right wing nonsense, I don't think Tarne is capable of satirical or intentional irony.


Right wing nonsense?! How dare you. That's just common sense.

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from the new york times. a marvellous newspaper by all accounts...


so now it's downgraded slightly to "influencing". the one main point that strikes me is that it seemed to me at the time that most of the influencing media wise was anti trump. so it rather begs the question that even if the russians did try to influence the election from a pro trump perspective, just who was it that was behind the far more common anti trump media influencing that was going on? please forward any solutions to me in code via the personal contact ads of next weeks edition of the christian science monitor. i think this place is being watched

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Russia has no tradition of a free press. Journalists live under permanent threat and the Russian media exists only with the permission of those in power. Sputnik News and Russia Today are effectively part of the same state organisation. Their purpose is to undermine and confuse factual reporting. Media, in the Soviet Union, was a tool of dictatorship and control - a tradition which continues today on the internet - eg the well known Russian troll factories which daily churn out fake news stories, forum comments, abusive social media posts etc.

Effort to Expose Russia’s ‘Troll Army’ Draws Vicious Retaliation - New York Times


Correct; and funny how the "troll army" has now almost taken over the debate about Trump in the US and about Brexit in the UK. The same tactics being deployed (and you can only assume by largely the same people). In such a short period of time we've moved to a Russia style media war where it's almost impossible to disseminate true news from the sheer volume of industrial manufactured news and opinion being pumped through the mainstream and social media.

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it's perfectly natural to assume that someone whose views are diametrically opposed to your own are merely trolls. i do it myself sometimes too. the scary part comes when you realise they aren't and that they actually believe some of the things they say. i expect that works both ways too

Nearly there. One more heave and you could conceive that they might possibly by right about some of those things and the inalienable truths that have held sway for decades are the chimera.

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it's perfectly natural to assume that someone whose views are diametrically opposed to your own are merely trolls. i do it myself sometimes too. the scary part comes when you realise they aren't and that they actually believe some of the things they say. i expect that works both ways too

Nearly there. One more heave and you could conceive that they might possibly by right about some of those things and the inalienable truths that have held sway for decades are the chimera.


This is akin to arguing that Lord Haw-Haw was just putting another alternative and equally valid point of view.


The Russia Troll Factories are a very real phenomenon. It's organised and official. People's jobs involve them creating multiple fake online personalities which are then used to troll the comment sections of the major media in an attempt to influence opinion. It first seemed to become an issue during the Russian aggression in Georgia. Furthermore - talk to anyone who runs even a simple server on the internet about where the majority of malicious traffic comes from: It's Russia.


Salutin' Putin: inside a Russian troll house - The Guardian


Trolls from Olgino - Wikipedia


Russia launches a 'troll factory' using fake Twitter and Facebook accounts to flood social media with lies about Britain and the West - Daily Mail


Effort to Expose Russias Troll Army Draws Vicious Retaliation - New York Times



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I was not referring to the Russian disinformation campaign. I took Stinky's post literally as referring to trolls in general. Trolling is in the eye of the beholder. For instance, from a right of centre perspective it would be very easy to take Pongo and rmanx as trolls, but we know they are not and that they actually believe what they post.

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see, pongo keeps posting the same garbage from the same garbage sources. to him it's irrefutable. he will only ever believe what he wants to believe

You have to deal with specifics to get a better appreciation of the world Stinky. Do you really think claims that the Russian government has organised groups to post disingenuous material on the web to further their political agenda are garbage?


I basically expect a "... but the West does it too" reply which is to avoid the specific issue.

Edited by Chinahand
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This whole thing about the Russians is a joke. The Democrats really need to get their heads out of their arses and face facts: they lost because they stabbed Bernie Sanders in the back and cheated to get the unpopular skank Hillary Clinton as the nominee. Nobody likes her. They know she represents the crony Wall St establishment class. They know she's a neo-con warmonger and that the Clinton Foundation is a scam.


There was no Russian Government hacking of the election. In fact, they don't even say that happened. They equivocate and imply things, and keep telling us "uh, next week", then we wait a week, and it's "uh, NEXT week....." before they give any evidence. They're full of shit. And Julian Assange and Wikileaks are trusted more by the public than the crony media.


Every day it's just one more bullshit lie against Trump and Russia, more bullshit to try to push for WW3. It's bad enough that the media push this crap, but to have to hear and read people on the IOM repeat all this bullshit, I just want to scream STFU. You are morons.

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