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see, pongo keeps posting the same garbage from the same garbage sources. to him it's irrefutable. he will only ever believe what he wants to believe

You have to deal with specifics to get a better appreciation of the world Stinky. Do you really think claims that the Russian government has organised groups to post disingenuous material on the web to further their political agenda are garbage?


I basically expect a "... but the West does it too" reply which is to avoid the specific issue.


i absolutely do expect the russians to chinahand. what i don't expect is to be lied to so blatantly and so frequently by the western media. i did actually start a thread a while ago asking for opinion on unbiased news sources. it was a genuine question

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Clinton's use of BlackBerrys
Clinton holding a Blackberry phone in 2009

Prior to her appointment as Secretary of State in 2009, Clinton and her circle of friends and colleagues communicated via BlackBerry phones.[2] State Department security personnel suggested this would pose a security risk during her tenure.[3] The email account used on Clinton's BlackBerry was then hosted on a private server in the basement of her home in Chappaqua, New York, but that information was not disclosed to State Department security personnel or senior State Department personnel.[4] It proved impractical to find a solution, even after consulting the National Security Agency, which would not have allowed Clinton to use her BlackBerry, or a similarly unsecured device, linked to a private server in her home.[5]

Setting up a secure desktop computer in her office was suggested, but Clinton was unfamiliar with their use[6] and opted for the convenience of her BlackBerry,[7] not the State Department, government protocol of a secured desktop computer. Efforts to find a secure solution were abandoned by Clinton,[5] and she was warned by State Department security personnel about the vulnerability of an unsecured BlackBerry to hacking.[8] She affirmed her knowledge of the danger, and was reportedly told that the Bureau of Diplomatic Security had obtained intelligence about her vulnerability while she was on a trip to Asia, but continued to use her BlackBerry outside her office.[9]

it's the sort of behaviour i am being conditioned to expect from trump

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from a right of centre perspective it would be very easy to take Pongo and rmanx as trolls

From a right-of-centre perspective it would take an intellectual contortionist to take me as anything other than also right-of-centre. Though people I like very much and respect have different perspectives. FWIW - in a test which Chinahand posted a few years ago I scored further to the right on economics and absolute rights and freedoms than anyone else who responded.


Egotistical and divisive bullies like Farage and Trump are not Conservatives. They don't fundamentally believe in anything and have nothing in common with the humanist democratic traditions of, say, Pitt, Peel, Disraeli or Churchill. And nothing in common with the economic liberalism of Mrs Thatcher.


IMO today's Lord Haw-Haws and useful idiots are in the comments online and on Russia Today - pro Trump, pro Farage, pro Le Pen.

Edited by pongo
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Just fine? Ehh, I'm more sceptical than most and I'm pretty right wing!


"I look very much forward to meeting Prime Minister Theresa May in Washington in the Spring. Britain, a longtime U.S. ally, is very special!"


This time it's like WE'RE the slow child. "Very special ally". Hell, at least it's better than "back of the queue"

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This whole thing about the Russians is a joke. The Democrats really need to get their heads out of their arses and face facts: they lost because they stabbed Bernie Sanders in the back and cheated to get the unpopular skank Hillary Clinton as the nominee. Nobody likes her. They know she represents the crony Wall St establishment class. They know she's a neo-con warmonger and that the Clinton Foundation is a scam.

It's very real and I 100% agree with Pongo (and I hate Hillary Clinton by the way). It's amazing how gullible people have been over Brexit and Trump - the unseen hands driving the debate resulting in a near chaos scenario which Russia is clearly the biggest current benefactor of (even more so if the EU collapses). Half the people don't even know what they voted for amongst all the disinformation floating about.

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People gullible over Brexit? People have merely been given the chance, albeit by an unsuspecting, out of touch prime minister, to cast judgement on the flawed European "project". Judgement that has been suppressed for almost half a century by an elite that presumes to know best what is good for everyone else.

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People gullible over Brexit? People have merely been given the chance, albeit by an unsuspecting, out of touch prime minister, to cast judgement on the flawed European "project". Judgement that has been suppressed for almost half a century by an elite that presumes to know best what is good for everyone else.



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