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1 hour ago, RIchard Britten said:


"White House Chief of Staff John Kelly told a caucus of Hispanic lawmakers on Wednesday that he has persuaded President Trump that building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border is unnecessary, signaling a possible reversal on the key campaign promise.

Kelly, who was secretary of Homeland Security before taking over as chief of staff in July, said that candidate Trump had not been "fully informed" about the border situation when he pledged repeatedly on the campaign trail to build the 2,200-mile wall and get Mexico to pay for it."

The cracks are really starting to show (just not in the Wall, as it hasn't been built yet).

If a nation fails to secure it's borders and control who is allowed to enter then that nation is bound to fail.

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1 hour ago, RIchard Britten said:


"White House Chief of Staff John Kelly told a caucus of Hispanic lawmakers on Wednesday that he has persuaded President Trump that building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border is unnecessary, signaling a possible reversal on the key campaign promise.

Kelly, who was secretary of Homeland Security before taking over as chief of staff in July, said that candidate Trump had not been "fully informed" about the border situation when he pledged repeatedly on the campaign trail to build the 2,200-mile wall and get Mexico to pay for it."

The cracks are really starting to show (just not in the Wall, as it hasn't been built yet).


1 hour ago, woody2 said:


told ya......

Trump wall: President denies changing view on Mexico border plan


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A see through wall that you can swim through or walk around in the desert. Impressive stuff.

Donald J. Trump
The Wall is the Wall, it has never changed or evolved from the first day I conceived of it. Parts will be, of necessity, see through and it was never intended to be built in areas where there is natural protection such as mountains, wastelands or tough rivers or water.....
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24 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

So with a Republican President, Republican House and Republican Senate the US Government is in Shutdown.

1 year in to his reign and he has done fucked things up royally.


jobs up

stock market up

tax down

muslim ban


after the tax success the snowflakes don't want to see him win again....

it shows what the lefty liberal democrats are like, they would rather cause damage to people, they have just given trump his second term.......

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39 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

So with a Republican President, Republican House and Republican Senate the US Government is in Shutdown.

1 year in to his reign and he has done fucked things up royally.

Politics is an odd business. The first responsibility in the eyes of far too many politicians is to remain in office.  As a result of a politician believes that by standing against an unpopular cause he will be re-elected come the next election far too many will do just that thing.

Trump has done a Stirling job and continues to do so in spite of the deluded anti-American and even anti-western opposition he faces at home let alone the swathes of Snowflakes and their stupid beliefs on top of the open hostility of so many ignorant people world wide who can't understand that everyone and every society is NOT equally matched one with another.  


Edited by Rog
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1 hour ago, the stinking enigma said:

The use of the word snowflake would seem to imply that those with an opposing view are also the opposite of snowflakes. They aren't. Even if it does give them a bit of an ego trip to pretend they are. As you rog and the other half wit constantly prove on here. You is de snowflakes fellas

oh yes they are......


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3 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

The use of the word snowflake would seem to imply that those with an opposing view are also the opposite of snowflakes. They aren't. Even if it does give them a bit of an ego trip to pretend they are. As you rog and the other half wit constantly prove on here. You is de snowflakes fellas

Not really. To be contemptuous of the folk who believe life can comprise of sweetness and light and everyone living in a "great big melting pot" is simply to face reality rather than an impossible dream.

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