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25 minutes ago, P.K. said:

So what is your viable alternative policy?

Not broad priciples like "Stamp out the evil that is racism" or whateve but viable sustainable policies.


Start with proscribing Islam, follow on with closing all mosques. A good start.

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21 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

What does "it doesn't work" mean?

I've friends and colleagues who are about as multi-cultural as you can get - British, Serbian, Sri Lankan, Indian, Chinese, Persian, German, Dutch, American.

We work together really well.



But do any want to dominate the host nation?

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34 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Yes it IS a matter of numbers.

At 5% a very small minority. If you think that's "islamification" you need to stop reading The Daily Facist.

As usual, you look at everything simplistically taking the liberal line from the Guardian or wherever, and then you accuse others of swallowing right wing propaganda. 5% is a headline number, but it is wildly skewed because they are not evenly distributed. Some areas have virtually no Muslim population at all, whereas some localities have virtually nothing else. Bradford as a city has almost 25%, Leicester 20%. Districts can have far, far more. It is where these populations interface with adjoining districts that you have flashpoints and, as the enclaves grow, the skirmishes will become more troublesome, and perhaps those who are blind to the problem now might take more notice. Then again probably not. They will continue writing of how enriching multiculturalism is until the riots pass by their door.

Even this is not the whole story. Consider demographics. Have you wondered why, for 5% of the population, the name Mohammad is so popular for new births? Yes, we know that a high percentage are called Mohammad, indicating a traditional obsession with the faith, but it also reflects the fact that the young Muslim population is storming ahead of all the rest. In 2011, a third of the Muslim population was under 15. That is an astonishing proportion. The equivalent figure for the rest of the population was less than a fifth. 4% of the Muslim population was over 65, only a quarter of the figure for the rest of the population. So let's have it right - 5% from nowhere in 60 years; unevenly distributed - and growing fast.

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16 minutes ago, Rog said:

Start with proscribing Islam, follow on with closing all mosques. A good start.

Maybe there could be a night where all Muslim owned property is destroyed?


Rog, you must be some sort of parody account.

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11 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Maybe there could be a night where all Muslim owned property is destroyed?


Rog, you must be some sort of parody account.

I assure you I mean every word of it.

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31 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

What does "it doesn't work" mean?

I've friends and colleagues who are about as multi-cultural as you can get - British, Serbian, Sri Lankan, Indian, Chinese, Persian, German, Dutch, American.

We work together really well.

Of course you do. I do too. Do business all over the world and dealt with most nationalities over the years. I also play sport with a group of Pakistanis, Filipinos and Sri Lankans on a regular basis. All lovely people. Nice to know. Individuals tend to be. It has echoes, in a sense, of the Christmas football match between Germans and British in WW1. Once they got together personally, they had no animosity towards each other.

Problem is that humans are tribal animals and in tribes they flock to their own and they fight other groups. If it was any other way we would have consigned war to the dustbin of history thousands of years ago. The Muslim affiliation will always be to Islam first before any state. If you develop fast growing ethnic "cities within cities" as we are doing you are asking for trouble.

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32 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

That inflatable trump is pathetic. Did they really need permission for it?

the problem is khan't won't allow one of himself.......

trump getting a reaction is good for him back home.....

no reaction (obama)= bad deal for the usa is how they see it......

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