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29 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Has anyone actually asked? 


"£50K Reached in 7 DAYS!!


A truly MONUMENTAL effort by everyone who has supported, shared and donated! We've completely blown the organisers of the 'baby Trump' balloon off the park. 

Unlike the Baby Trump team who plan to take their inflatable on 'tour', i.e using the money they raised to have a few holidays, fund luxury hotels and probably fly first class, we are putting ALL of the money into hosting a demo in Whitehall, called "Make London Safe Again" due to be held in August, where Baby Khan will flown into the London sky! 

There will be mini 'baby khan' balloons for supporters on the day (not from moonpig!) & we're even working on a plane with a 80 ft banner to take to the skies in our protest!

This is about putting as much pressure as possible on Khan & showing him that we don't want him as our Mayor any longer!

We'll be using this event to raise awareness of the soaring crime in London under Khan & be supporting as many victims of crime in London as possible.

Remember, the more money we raise the BIGGER the demonstration and more chance we have of removing Sadiq and can begin to Make London Safe Again."

Edited by woolley
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9 minutes ago, woolley said:


"£50K Reached in 7 DAYS!!


A truly MONUMENTAL effort by everyone who has supported, shared and donated! We've completely blown the organisers of the 'baby Trump' balloon off the park. 

Unlike the Baby Trump team who plan to take their inflatable on 'tour', i.e using the money they raised to have a few holidays, fund luxury hotels and probably fly first class, we are putting ALL of the money into hosting a demo in Whitehall, called "Make London Safe Again" due to be held in August, where Baby Khan will flown into the London sky! 

There will be mini 'baby khan' balloons for supporters on the day (not from moonpig!) & we're even working on a plane with a 80 ft banner to take to the skies in our protest!

This is about putting as much pressure as possible on Khan & showing him that we don't want him as our Mayor any longer!

We'll be using this event to raise awareness of the soaring crime in London under Khan & be supporting as many victims of crime in London as possible.

Remember, the more money we raise the BIGGER the demonstration and more chance we have of removing Sadiq and can begin to Make London Safe Again."

but did they actually ask for permission to "fly" it?

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1 hour ago, woolley said:

As usual, you look at everything simplistically taking the liberal line from the Guardian or wherever, and then you accuse others of swallowing right wing propaganda. 5% is a headline number, but it is wildly skewed because they are not evenly distributed. Some areas have virtually no Muslim population at all, whereas some localities have virtually nothing else. Bradford as a city has almost 25%, Leicester 20%. Districts can have far, far more. It is where these populations interface with adjoining districts that you have flashpoints and, as the enclaves grow, the skirmishes will become more troublesome, and perhaps those who are blind to the problem now might take more notice. Then again probably not. They will continue writing of how enriching multiculturalism is until the riots pass by their door.

Even this is not the whole story. Consider demographics. Have you wondered why, for 5% of the population, the name Mohammad is so popular for new births? Yes, we know that a high percentage are called Mohammad, indicating a traditional obsession with the faith, but it also reflects the fact that the young Muslim population is storming ahead of all the rest. In 2011, a third of the Muslim population was under 15. That is an astonishing proportion. The equivalent figure for the rest of the population was less than a fifth. 4% of the Muslim population was over 65, only a quarter of the figure for the rest of the population. So let's have it right - 5% from nowhere in 60 years; unevenly distributed - and growing fast.

We've been here before via pm so you know lecturing me is a waste of both our times, unless it's to lecture the audience of course.

Lots of folks are called Jesus. So what.

Remember how racists work.

First they demonise by tarring them all with the same lowesr denominator brush (is that allowed?)

Second they dehumanise "They behave like animals, breed like rabbits, live in ghettos out of choice" etc etc

Thirdly they scapegoat them for the ills of society.

Roger's proscribing islam is step four....

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12 minutes ago, P.K. said:

We've been here before via pm so you know lecturing me is a waste of both our times, unless it's to lecture the audience of course.

Lots of folks are called Jesus. So what.

Remember how racists work.

First they demonise by tarring them all with the same lowesr denominator brush (is that allowed?)

Second they dehumanise "They behave like animals, breed like rabbits, live in ghettos out of choice" etc etc

Thirdly they scapegoat them for the ills of society.

Roger's proscribing islam is step four....

You try to engage by pm but my default position nowadays is to decline. It's a public forum and I have no desire to keep up a circular correspondence between the two of us in private. It's the same pattern as normal. You make a bold assertion (5%). I counter it with more detail about distribution and demographics, then you go off at a tangent talking about demonisation etc. because you do not want to address the issue that YOU brought up in the first place. You are quite correct in that replying to you is a total waste of time.

Edited by woolley
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11 minutes ago, P.K. said:

We've been here before via pm so you know lecturing me is a waste of both our times, unless it's to lecture the audience of course.

Lots of folks are called Jesus. So what.

Remember how racists work.

First they demonise by tarring them all with the same lowesr denominator brush (is that allowed?)

Second they dehumanise "They behave like animals, breed like rabbits, live in ghettos out of choice" etc etc

Thirdly they scapegoat them for the ills of society.

Roger's proscribing islam is step four....

Rubbish! Islam is absolutely incompatible with our western democracies! To think otherwise means one thing only, that is that one doesn't understand Islam.

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6 minutes ago, Mr. Sausages said:

It'll have to be after the Windrush generation arrived. 

The guys who came on Windrush and their ilk were no problem, indeed just the opposite.

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11 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

O.K. Let's keep it simple or we'll be here for days:

How many countries has multi-culturalism torn apart compared to those who've remained unified ? 

What's your list of countries that have been torn apart by multi-culturalism?  Are we going to have to start debating the Ottoman empire, Alhambra Spain the Mughals and the Mongols?

The USA is by far the most diverse multi-cultural country.  I realise rhetoric is all a bit fraught nowadays but to say it has been torn apart is an odd way to describe the richest nation on earth.  Sure it does have significant societal issues, but is it so does Japan, Korea or China.

Which of these lot would you say are being torn apart by multi-culturalism?



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13 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

What's your list of countries that have been torn apart by multi-culturalism?  Are we going to have to start debating the Ottoman empire, Alhambra Spain the Mughals and the Mongols?

The USA is by far the most diverse multi-cultural country.  I realise rhetoric is all a bit fraught nowadays but to say it has been torn apart is an odd way to describe the richest nation on earth.  Sure it does have significant societal issues, but is it so does Japan, Korea or China.

Which of these lot would you say are being torn apart by multi-culturalism?



The only one that I give a toss about is Britain.

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