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I don't know why you're bothering, woolley. Your attempts to get anything across to anally-retentive, self-righteous, gloating, libtard dunderheads are starting to sound desperate.

He's getting his points across just fine.


What is it that makes you say Trump opposers are "libtards"? As Pongo pointed out, Trump isn't exactly a traditional conservative. He's criticised by both the right and left. Criticism in the main seems to be because his policies are unclear, and he spouts xenophobic rhetoric designed to generate hate. He's a celebrity salesman.


This critique from Sam Harris (admittedly left wing, nevertheless a fierce critic of Islam, and unchecked immigration) that I have posted elsewhere provides, in my opinion, a good summary of Trump and the reasons so many oppose him. Tell me how these criticisms fit into your left / right / black / white / "libtard" argument.



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I don't know why you're bothering, woolley. Your attempts to get anything across to anally-retentive, self-righteous, gloating, libtard dunderheads are starting to sound desperate.

I sometimes wonder myself and you will note that I go awol from time to time before drifting back. We do seem to have a dearth of enlightened posters around nowadays. The spread of views, the variety of subjects and even the volume of the posts themselves seem to be well down to me.


Am I imagining that the number of posts and posters is reducing or is that just an illusion on my part? I don't mind debating with anyone whatever their politics - the more the merrier - but we do seem to plough an ever narrowing furrow lately.

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"He hasn’t taken office yet, but Donald Trump is lost, wandering in a labyrinth of lies and trying to drag the country in with him.

Witness his reaction to being called out on Sunday by Meryl Streep. Speaking at the Golden Globes, she said she had been stunned and heartbroken to see him mock a reporter with a physical disability.

It happened at a speech in 2015 in South Carolina. Mr. Trump’s target was Serge Kovaleski, of The Times, who has arthrogryposis, a condition that leaves his right arm and hand bent and rigid. “You ought to see this guy,” Mr. Trump told his audience, flailing his own right arm and hand in the air, making spastic movements, disgracing himself. The act was contemptible, and in a way unbelievable: a future president showing the maturity and schoolyard viciousness of an 8-year-old".

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1. Trump fires all Ambassadors and Special Envoys, ordering them out by inauguration day.

2. House brings back the Holman rule allowing them to reduce an individual civil service, SES positions, or political appointee's salary to $1, effectively firing them by amendment to any piece of legislation. We now know why they wanted names and positions of people in Energy and State.

3. Senate schedules 6 simultaneous hearings on cabinet nominees and triple-books those hearings with Trump's first press conference in months and an ACA budget vote, effectively preventing any concentrated coverage or protest.

4. House GOP expressly forbids the Congressional Budget Office from reporting or tracking ANY costs related to the repeal of the ACA.

5. Trump continues to throw the intelligence community under the bus to protect Putin, despite the growing mountain of evidence that the Russians deliberately interfered in our election.

6. Trump breaks a central campaign promise to make Mexico pay for the wall by asking Congress (in other words, us, the taxpayers) to pay for it.

7. Trump threatens Toyota over a new plant that was never coming to the US nor will take jobs out of the US.

8. House passes the REINS act, giving them veto power over any rules enacted by any federal agency or department--for example, FDA or EPA bans a drug or pesticide, Congress can overrule based on lobbyists not science. Don't like that endangered species designation, Congress kills it.,




"Under Hitler and Mussolini, "the mainstream conservatives and business elites made a pact with the devil in order to gain power." Sound familiar?" –

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Oh dear...Trump caught in his own tangled web...




"When, in 2015, Trump was asked by The Hollywood Reporter who his favourite actresses were, he said: "Meryl Streep is excellent; she's a fine person, too". Which, unusually, is an opinion that many people would agree with. "

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