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He always has to add a bit of exaggeration "I win an election easily, a great "movement" is verified, and crooked opponents"


He didn't win easily - he didn't even win the majority vote and had to fight tooth and nail. His opponents aren't just wrong, they're crooked. Meryl Streep isn't just wrong she's an "overrated actress", Saturday Night Live isn't just unfair in how it depicts him it's "unfunny", CNN is "losing ratings".

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He's doing a talk on some dossier that a retired british spy has come up with,


To Recap:
:: A retired British spy is believed to have been behind a dossier which reportedly alleges the Russians have obtained compromising material on Donald Trump.
:: The material is said to be recordings of graphic sexual acts made when the President-elect stayed at a five-star hotel in Moscow.
:: The dossier also alleges ongoing contact between associates of Mr Trump and intermediaries for the Kremlin.
I mean, there's still actually no evidence of this and without seeing the dossier, it's just hearsay...
I kind of feel like it's just the media kicking up stank again
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Is it true?

No one could quibble with the report’s section on geopolitics. It’s undoubtedly true that Putin has sought to weaken western institutions and the transatlantic alliance, plus the EU. Over the past 16 years he has sought to re-establish Russia as a central global player, and to challenge what Moscow sees as unfair US hegemony.

The sex claims about Trump are ultimately unknowable. Trump is unlikely to confirm them, and what happened inside the Ritz Carlton is a matter of speculation.

Trump’s transition team did not immediately respond to a request for comment, but in a series of furious tweets on Wednesday morning, the president-elect blamed intelligence agencies for the reports and vehemently denied that Russia had tried to use leverage over him.

The FSB, does specialise in covertly recording high-profile targets, and it would certainly have been interested in Trump. But this doesn’t mean it has a tape. Until Putin leaves office – or falls out with Trump – we are unlikely to find out either way, if ever.

Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, denied on Wednesday that Russia collects compromising material. This is untrue. In 1999, Russian TV showed footage of Russia’s prosecutor general, Yuri Skaratov, in bed with two young women. Skaratov had fallen out with Russian’s then president, Boris Yeltsin. The head of the FSB at the time told a press conference that the recording of the orgy was genuine. His name? Vladimir Putin.

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Having just watched the press conference, I really cannot see how the man can take office, He completely ignored the question about whether he or any of his campaign team was in touch with any Russian institution during the campaign. He blatantly and openly called on Russia to hack Democrat email servers. The sexual scandal, if proved true, will be the last straw.

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Just heard about this Scandal on the Radio this Morning.


Trump might end up Impeached even before getting to take Office!




As the man himself said. I could shoot someone on live tv and the people will still vote for me.


I doubt he will get impeached unless he displays serial killer type behaviour.

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I mean, there's still actually no evidence of this and without seeing the dossier, it's just hearsay...

The report is about what was being said privately. So it's already one removed from whether all, or even any, of what was being said is necessarily true.


The significant fact revealed last night is that the FBI has been investigating the Trump team for, basically, treason. That's extraordinary and inevitably brings into focus Trump's hostility towards US intelligence.


Putin wins either way - the US is in chaos whether or not he owns Trump.


This is like something Charlie Brooker would write.

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I'm quite enjoying Trump. There's something to admire about someone who takes no shit whatsoever. He fights fire with fire and people don't like that.


Wonderful news that the wall is to be built. With the added bonus he's going to make Mexico pay towards it. That's ace!

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