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Donald Trump


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One dangerous individual. Unfortunately, for the West. But the Americans have a bit of a record for electing Presidents with backgrounds questionable for world politics (their string pullers notwithstanding). Jimmy Carter (peanut farmer), Ronald Reagan (cowboy actor), George W. Bush (enough said) and now Trump who basically belongs in a comic. The fact that an experienced, respected (by many Western allies) military adviser has just walked speaks volumes. Plus the two other resignations in as many weeks.

That Trump heads the biggest military and nuclear arsenal on the planet is horrifying.

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Trump's comment about not being the world's sucker reminds me of the UK 1966 defence review when Britain decided to withdraw from east of Suez and declared that we would  no longer act as world policeman. Hard to believe now but it was no so long ago that British forces and not American were first into trouble zones and we had several carriers and amphibious ships.

Our presence shielded the USA and I recall when we announced that we would relinquish the policeman role various American military persons declared that the whole burden would fall on the USA.."We will miss them"...Hard to believe that once upon a time Sterling shielded the US Dollar from pressure and that when that Sterling shrank from being a world reserve currency the US Dollar was under front line pressure. We still live with results of that.

The UK ceased to defend the oil rich Arab nations to the same extent but they offered to pay UK forces to stay. Which proved they could have managed their own forces anyway. UK forces as mercenaries was not on. There were force secondments however...and arms sales. 

I  suspect Trump will find much the same if the USA looks to its own and ceases to be world policeman. The NATO countries might soon be obliged to pay more and forgo a lot of social welfare benefits. Other countries adapted to British absence. 

A flaw in 1966 was the policy of no big aircraft carriers which in turn meant that Argentina was no longer in time deterred and risked invading the Falklands so it could be said to have been a false economy.

Now the UK is building a naval base in Bahrain and is developing two carrier groups. Not world policeman again but certainly a lean away from Europe, the EU and more towards self interest and the possible need to operate along with the USA.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Time and again, Donald Trump shows that he never read The Art of the Deal. He gives away things that are cheap to him to people who value them highly while asking for nothing in return (Israel embassy, Syrian troop withdrawal), holds out for things he wants (the Wall) rather than give up something cheap to him but valuable to the other side (DACA) or accepts "concessions" without understanding that he has received nothing (Korean denuclearization).
The "great deal-maker", indeed! He’s backtracking on promising Mexico would pay and now there’s a gofundme page for the hard of thinking to pay instead. US$20M raised already, only US$980M to go. Will the chumps cough up before the Don starts studying The Art of the Squeal? 

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There's so much going on in the background and with the 'False News' reporting as much as they can about Trump, then many miss or believe what the false news say.

Trump is against pedophile networks, against slave trade and against corruption throughout the many agencies in the United States and is in the process of providing further evidence that kicks those twats Clintons and all their scurvy scum into touch! Anyone and I mean anyone who believes that pedophilia is ok - is sick in the head and should be locked away.

Yes he has an arrogance which I dislike and lacks interpersonal skills, but lets get rid of the shit first and I'm not bothered as to how many thousands get arrested for wrong doing but at the moment, he's the saviour of our world in one way as at least he's targeting the bad people in our society, the corrupt, the evil, the people who do not concern themselves with who live or who dies as long as there personal agenda is followed. Bastards!


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7 hours ago, manxy said:

There's so much going on in the background and with the 'False News' reporting as much as they can about Trump, then many miss or believe what the false news say.

Trump is against pedophile networks, against slave trade and against corruption throughout the many agencies in the United States and is in the process of providing further evidence that kicks those twats Clintons and all their scurvy scum into touch! Anyone and I mean anyone who believes that pedophilia is ok - is sick in the head and should be locked away.

Yes he has an arrogance which I dislike and lacks interpersonal skills, but lets get rid of the shit first and I'm not bothered as to how many thousands get arrested for wrong doing but at the moment, he's the saviour of our world in one way as at least he's targeting the bad people in our society, the corrupt, the evil, the people who do not concern themselves with who live or who dies as long as there personal agenda is followed. Bastards!




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4 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

In actually news...


Apparently Trump has some opinions on how to deal with his own wall.

Haha, the Democrats 2004 fake news springs into life again :)

It would have been weird if he had been talking about the Mexican/America wall though, but lets face it, we all know CNN is anti Trump and they've had to hand pick a few words from history to twist it into a negative story. Yep. fake news


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13 hours ago, manxy said:

There's so much going on in the background and with the 'False News' reporting as much as they can about Trump, then many miss or believe what the false news say.

Trump is against pedophile networks, against slave trade and against corruption throughout the many agencies in the United States and is in the process of providing further evidence that kicks those twats Clintons and all their scurvy scum into touch! Anyone and I mean anyone who believes that pedophilia is ok - is sick in the head and should be locked away.

Yes he has an arrogance which I dislike and lacks interpersonal skills, but lets get rid of the shit first and I'm not bothered as to how many thousands get arrested for wrong doing but at the moment, he's the saviour of our world in one way as at least he's targeting the bad people in our society, the corrupt, the evil, the people who do not concern themselves with who live or who dies as long as there personal agenda is followed. Bastards!


Manxy, look, you really should reconsider your research sources. This post is straight out of the minds of the morons who post to r/the_donald and suck on the imagined cock of Q. You aren't being very free thinking here, you are being programmed. 

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