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'No, Clinton didn't start the birther thing. This guy did'.

"Despite what Trump says, the 2008 Clinton campaign and the candidate herself never trafficked in the rumors.

After years of denying the legitimacy of Barack Obama’s presidency, it was only in the midst of his own presidential campaign that Donald Trump began falsely claiming Hillary Clinton was the true progenitor of the “birther” conspiracy theory claiming Obama was not born in the United States.


But that’s swapping one discredited claim for another. Numerous fact checks, reports and interviews — in 2008 and 2011, when Trump revived the controversy — revealed that although some Clinton supporters circulated rumors about Obama’s citizenship, the campaign and Clinton herself never trafficked in it".

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Wonderful news that the wall is to be built. With the added bonus he's going to make Mexico pay towards it. That's ace!


Have you had your head in a hole?


Congress is going to pay for the wall (with tax payer money), then his plan is to get the money back from Mexico via various means, which I read yesterday, could ultimately cost the US far more than it is trying to draw back.


An ill conceived idea by another ill conceived idea.

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It'ĺl look good from space though


It wont be built. Not how he described it.


Large groups of land owners are saying they will refuse to let any structure (wall, fence, or strands of Trumps mega wig) be built on their land.


And if they use those government land grab rules to take the land, Trump will only prove he was a big government guy after all and not the "peoples man".

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A great wall blocking off mexico from the US, how bloody daft, of course it won't ever be built. The very max he'll manage is a few kilometers, and I doubt he'll even bother with that. The use of eminent domain is pretty standard though - the landowners would get more than a fair price for the land before eminent domain is invoked. It'd still be a massive problem, and there's hundreds of KM in Arizona on the border that's Tohono Native land. Basically it's never going to be built, I'm not worried about that.


Though as for Trump meeting the anti vaxxers, I wouldn't pay much attention to that. He's a loud rhetorician but he's not actually that stupid (he isn't a full on crazy religious buffoon either like most of the other republican candidates). There's a good chance one thing Trump will do is fund the sciences a lot more.


I still don't like him, but we'll see what happens. Just over a week til inaugeration day...

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