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I think you've got me wrong Woolley, I don't have a particular axe to grind and certainly MY politics don't come into it. I'm not even sure what my politics are anymore, I certainly don;t seem to fit on a left right axis. No, my viewpoint is one of entertainment. I am an observer of humanity, and watching the US tear itself to bits over utter bullshit is definitely entertaining. I find it interesting, the whole mess of US politics. I do believe Trump is a crook, most US politicians are, but he's much more than that really, and would of course love it to be true that he'd been operating as a russian stooge because Putin has a video of him getting golden showers from prostitutes, but he doesn't. I don't agree that Trump is a true patriot, I don't think he believes in anything other than what is in his head at the exact moment you ask him. He constantly lies over and over again, yet he still has tons of support. I don't understand how.

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6 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

I think you've got me wrong Woolley, I don't have a particular axe to grind and certainly MY politics don't come into it. I'm not even sure what my politics are anymore, I certainly don;t seem to fit on a left right axis. No, my viewpoint is one of entertainment. I am an observer of humanity, and watching the US tear itself to bits over utter bullshit is definitely entertaining. I find it interesting, the whole mess of US politics. I do believe Trump is a crook, most US politicians are, but he's much more than that really, and would of course love it to be true that he'd been operating as a russian stooge because Putin has a video of him getting golden showers from prostitutes, but he doesn't. I don't agree that Trump is a true patriot, I don't think he believes in anything other than what is in his head at the exact moment you ask him. He constantly lies over and over again, yet he still has tons of support. I don't understand how.

US politicians crooks... The UK’s lot aren’t doing themselves many favours at the moment are they?

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A quote by Billy Connolly, similar to others down the years, asserts that the desire to become a politician should be enough to bar you from ever becoming one, so I suppose that applies to any nationality. Well. Certainly did to Hitler, didn't it?

As for Americans in general, I like them. I never met one that you couldn't have a laugh with or who wouldn't invite you into their home and ply you with goodies. Mainly big hearted and yes I know, big headed as well. They think their country is the greatest in the world and they are proud of it. Nothing wrong with that. Even the poorest tend to have good manners, are open-minded and respect rather than revile success in others. Oh and some of the girls are so sweet. There are unscrupulous arseholes as well just as there are everywhere, so take as you find.

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12 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

I think you've got me wrong Woolley, I don't have a particular axe to grind and certainly MY politics don't come into it. I'm not even sure what my politics are anymore, I certainly don;t seem to fit on a left right axis. No, my viewpoint is one of entertainment. I am an observer of humanity, and watching the US tear itself to bits over utter bullshit is definitely entertaining. I find it interesting, the whole mess of US politics. I do believe Trump is a crook, most US politicians are, but he's much more than that really, and would of course love it to be true that he'd been operating as a russian stooge because Putin has a video of him getting golden showers from prostitutes, but he doesn't. I don't agree that Trump is a true patriot, I don't think he believes in anything other than what is in his head at the exact moment you ask him. He constantly lies over and over again, yet he still has tons of support. I don't understand how.

Robert Mueller’s much-awaited report details “multiple contacts” between the Trump campaign and Russian government officials, and sets out 10 “episodes” in which Donald Trump possibly obstructed justice.

Mueller says he did not make a “traditional prosecutorial judgement” on whether Trump did obstruct justice and adds that the evidence obtained about “the president’s actions and intent” threw up “difficult issues”.

However, the special counsel refused to exonerate Trump on the charge. “If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state,” Mueller wrote in his conclusion.

He added: “Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgement.”

Unfortunately "collusion" is not a crime.


You have to remember here that in WoolleyWorld forward thinking open-minded liberals are to blame for everything. That includes The Plague, the destruction of Notre Dame, any war you care to think of, world hunger, catastrophic climate change, Freddie Flintoff's 5 - 0 whitewash in an Ashes series, Brexit and the media nadir that is Piers Morgan.....

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14 hours ago, woolley said:

A quote by Billy Connolly, similar to others down the years, asserts that the desire to become a politician should be enough to bar you from ever becoming one, so I suppose that applies to any nationality. Well. Certainly did to Hitler, didn't it?

As for Americans in general, I like them. I never met one that you couldn't have a laugh with or who wouldn't invite you into their home and ply you with goodies. Mainly big hearted and yes I know, big headed as well. They think their country is the greatest in the world and they are proud of it. Nothing wrong with that. Even the poorest tend to have good manners, are open-minded and respect rather than revile success in others. Oh and some of the girls are so sweet. There are unscrupulous arseholes as well just as there are everywhere, so take as you find.

 My experience of americans is much the same. Great prople in the most part. And their childrens knowledge and vocabulary is exceptional . i have always admired how they seem to be so well versed and educated at such young ages. Not always the case i know but generally.

Most of us are just decent honest people, we're almost all great really x

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3 hours ago, paul's got wright said:

 My experience of americans is much the same. Great prople in the most part. And their childrens knowledge and vocabulary is exceptional . i have always admired how they seem to be so well versed and educated at such young ages. Not always the case i know but generally.

Across the continent I found they varied quite a lot. The US multinational I worked for had software on the West coast and design and manufacturing on the East coast. Hence East coast "It's as per spec" West coast "What's a spec.....?"

Sometimes they are over-friendly. They would join you for breakfast and within five minutes they would be giving on about their latest medical condition. Just what you need to help your pancakes down your neck.

I wouldn't rate their educational system either.

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