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57 minutes ago, quilp said:

Is there some difference between 'brownface' and 'blackface'? Is like, one worse than the other?

Trudumb loves to culturally appropriate one way or another, look at his fancy dress attempts to get down with Canada's 'first nation' and his antics in India. 

I’m more interested why Donald Trumps’s orange perma tan isn’t designated yellowface and thus racist and culturally oppressive/appropriative of people from China/Mongolia/IndoChina and Japan

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1 hour ago, Neil Down said:

Ill advised perhaps but certainly not racist

I've no love for him. He's a liberal chancer in the mould of Blair and Macron, but why doesn't he just say that it was 20 to 30 years ago, he was a kid at the time having fun at fancy dress parties or whatever? He wasn't making a political statement by doing it and didn't realise the connotations with racism. This is the problem with the internet. Everything you put out there at any time can easily be exhumed to beat you with at any point in the future.

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4 hours ago, woolley said:

I've no love for him. He's a liberal chancer in the mould of Blair and Macron, but why doesn't he just say that it was 20 to 30 years ago, he was a kid at the time having fun at fancy dress parties or whatever? He wasn't making a political statement by doing it and didn't realise the connotations with racism. This is the problem with the internet. Everything you put out there at any time can easily be exhumed to beat you with at any point in the future.

yet he said.......

"the layers of privilege that I have"



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5 hours ago, woolley said:

I've no love for him. He's a liberal chancer in the mould of Blair and Macron, but why doesn't he just say that it was 20 to 30 years ago, he was a kid at the time having fun at fancy dress parties or whatever? He wasn't making a political statement by doing it and didn't realise the connotations with racism. This is the problem with the internet. Everything you put out there at any time can easily be exhumed to beat you with at any point in the future.

As the Donald says "I'm surprised, and I was more surprised when I saw the number of times." At least one of these photos was from as recently as 2001. These aren’t some photos of some old duffer who copied what passed for comedy on English TV when the trauma of losing the Empire was still raw. Once would have been out-of-step for anyone, even 20 years ago. You wouldn’t need the internet to exhume that the guy was always known in his circle as the one who went to parties as Al Johnson is now trying to be king of the liberals. 


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Bit of a difficult one this. Biden should have been investigated. Its  pretty obvious what was going on, what with their neo nazi freedom fighters and what have you. Why only the Ukrainian puppet government could do this is not so clear. The focus seems entirely on trump's role in the saga though. I think he did the right thing but for the wrong reasons.


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I’d agree.

A brief summary of what I’ve seen is that back before ‘Euromaidan’, when Ukraine was effectively a satellite of Russia, Trump’s pal Paul Manafort was doing a lot of lobbying and dodgy dealing for Putin’s man Yanukovych. Yanukovych was deposed in the ‘Euromaidan’ revolution, the aim of which was to ally Ukraine with NATO and the EU, in February 2014. The Russians responded by supporting separatists and annexing Crimea. How much covert support the US regime gave for Euromaidan is unknown, but the USVP Joe Biden visited to give moral support to Euromaidan supporting presidential candidate Poroshenko in April 2014 and spoke in favour of Ukraine reducing its  reliance on Russian natural gas and developing  their own supply. The Ukrainian state gas company Burisma had a reputation for corruption and its founder was being investigated for money laundering by U.K.’s Serious Fraud office - but now it suddenly seemed to have a bright future. And a new board member; a Mr Hunter Biden, son of Joe. 

Papa Joe visits Kiev again in December 2015 and threatens the Ukrainian Government with withholding US Gov loan guarantees if they don’t sack their chief prosecutor, who happened at the time to be sitting on a dormant investigation of Burisma. Joe turned up again in March 2016 and threatened the Ukrainian Parliament with withholding USD1B in loan guarantees if they didn’t get rid the chief prosecutor, ostensibly because he wasn’t tackling corruption, or going after the previous Burisma board, who’d allegedly made off with tons of cash. The chief prosecutor was sacked. The new CP went after the old board but gave up for lack of evidence.

Meanwhile, as Donald Trump hits the campaign trail, all sorts of evidence about Trump  campaign manager Paul Manafort’s activities starts to flow from Ukraine, which eventually results, after Trump’s victory, to Manafort getting 47 months in prison (currently in notorious Riker Island Prison). What’s more, there is some suspicion that Poroshenko’s guys have been assisting Robert Mueller’s Russian collusion investigations.

In April 2019 Poroshenko stood for re-election and went on to lose heavily to Zelensky. Hunter Biden also bailed from Burisma in April. In May, the current Ukrainian chief prosecutor says that there is no suggestion that young Hunter has done anything dodgy, but that he will be forwarding copies of his payslips to the US IRS to help them check he’s been paying his taxes. 

It seems that since May, Giuliani has been badgering Zelensky for any dirt on young Hunter. Trump’s call though seems pretty harmless. Seems like he is mostly trying to get a trade deal with the Ukraine as good as the one the EU has, using the argument that the US deserves such a deal because the US does more for Ukraine than the EU. He mentions younger Hunter, but only as you might if you were to think Biden getting his son onto the board one the country’s biggest companies and using the threat of the withdrawing loan guarantees as leverage to be deeply suspicious. 

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Trump is an incredible man. He's been gobbing off again this morning, on tv. He's openly calling for foreign governments to investigate Biden while in the middle of an impeachment hearing about whether he has been encouraging foreign governments to investigate Biden. Amazing.

For balance, Biden is most likely corrupt as hell.

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