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32 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

Well, people reading a thread titled ‘Donald Trump’ in a forum sub-heading called ‘International News, might. But if you’re thick as mince and found yourself reading this thread by mistake you might wonder. 


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Looking at Hunter Biden’s cv he’s hung around government jobs - commerce department, appointed to AmTrack’s board by Shrub and grown a career in legal and financial on company boards and backing big mobile money.

It’s the casual nepotism a la Chelsea Clinton and the back scratching typical of US politics. Bet his dad was delighted with the Amtrak offer from Bush with a nod nod wink wink if any of the Bush clan needed something lucrative when the political winds changed. 

Its unpleasant and feeds into Trump’s drain the swamp rhetoric. But Melania and Jarred Kushner are playing exactly the same game. 

Trump was after dirt and using both personal and government consiglieri to get it.  

Impeachable - well that’s a political question. Typical of the decline of the political class we’ve all seen in the last few years. Oh yes. 

Drain the swamp my arse. Trump stinks of it and lives in its muck. 

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1 hour ago, Chinahand said:

It’s the casual nepotism a la Chelsea Clinton and the back scratching typical of US politics.

I'm interested by this. Undoubtedly, Chelsea has benefitted from a privileged upbringing and had educational opportunities that aren't open to all. But she does have a first class history degree from Stamford, a masters and phd in International Relations from Oxford, and a masters in Public Health from Columbia. She's an accomplished woman, who seems to have educated herself for a role inside her parent's charitable foundation.

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On 10/4/2019 at 5:58 PM, the stinking enigma said:

Before launching her political career 

Children of politicians tend to have a head start.

They go out campaigning at a young age, meet political advisers and other politicians. So are rather unfazed about the whole thing.

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