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The really crazy thing is that he is now trying to pretend he did not say it, or rather that is was in some way sarcastic.

Sorry, but how thick are American's?  Surely they will not vote this guy in as President again?

Surely the Republican party must be able to find a more competent representative?  


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8 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

The really crazy thing is that he is now trying to pretend he did not say it, or rather that is was in some way sarcastic.

Sorry, but how thick are American's?  Surely they will not vote this guy in as President again?

Surely the Republican party must be able to find a more competent representative?  


Rhetorical question?

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4 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

Trump is the archetypal American redneck.

I'm not so sure. unless typical American rednecks all suffer from Greater Narcissism.


8 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

Sorry, but how thick are American's?  Surely they will not vote this guy in as President again?

There's a theory that his supporters are held in a mass Stockholm syndrome situation with Trump as their hostage guard. It would explain a lot.

He's certainly showing serious signs of narcissistic injury right now after day after day of bombardment from the media and general public worldwide.  He may not have taken questions for the last two days but I reckon he will tonight. He won't be able to help himself. With any luck he'll seriously implode and his millions of supporter may just have their eyes opened for the first time. If not now then soon. Hopefully.

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15 hours ago, ecobob said:

There's a theory that his supporters are held in a mass Stockholm syndrome situation with Trump as their hostage guard. It would explain a lot.

Along those lines...


You may have noticed that the more the president abuses his "base," the more they idolize him and obey what he says. He frames risking lives in service of him, so as to prop up his ruined economy and increase his re-election prospects, as "liberation" — and they come out in defiance of their own protection, demanding "choice."

Link to article quoted above.

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Where's Sir Nige / Woody2? Still not been heard of since he took that shipment from Italy. I'm getting worried, the poor guy was addicted to trumpist sites like Guido. Starting to think that with him the facist propaganda has reached its inevitable conclusion already. 

Edited by Freggyragh
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1 hour ago, Freggyragh said:

... trumpist sites like Guido.

Complete and utter bollocks and you know it. I've been following Guido for a long time and in that time have never read anything extolling Trump or anything remotely comparable to Trump's bullshit. 

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