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'It's those radical left anarchists' screams Trump, 'ANTIFA is now a terrorist organisation' 

Problem is, does ANTIFA even exist? There certainly doesn't seem to be any evidence of any kind of organisation. And surely anyone with the slightest bit of common sense is anti-fascist anyway?

I am, so I guess in Trump's world I'm a terrorist.

He's off his head. Again. So is the whole country.

Who could have guessed that it would be the United States that would have massive civil disorder in the middle of a global pandemic?

Edited by TheTeapot
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When President Trump said "If you loot we'll shoot" he should have carried his threat through.  As for ANTIFA they certainly a terrorist organisation and should be proscribed.  In any case if Floyd was complaining that he couldn't breathe the question is if he couldn't breathe how could he have said anything?

If Floyd had simply done what he was being TOLD to do, same with most people killed during similar police incidents, he would still be alive today.

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Clearing peaceful protestors with tear gas so that Trump could walk to a church for a photo opportunity with a bible is probably as  crass and insensitive as you can probably get. Trump has said and done many idiotic and stupid things in his time, many probably without thinking, but this was clearly planned. It seems that he thinks this will attract the support of his "base" and rather than trying to calm the situation he is more than happy to inflame it if he thinks that it might benefit him. 

He appears to be so vain and egotistical that I fear there is almost nothing he would not to, if he could get away with it, to benefit himself no matter what the cost to others. If he loses the November election, and I think that the result is finally balanced, I do wonder whether he will go quietly or and incite his "base" and try to hang on to power.  I get the feeling Trump thinks he is a demigod.

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Some amazing live streams running of the protests over the last few days, some nuts stuff going on over there. Reasonably quiet tonight though, trouble wise. Loads of protesters though.  twitch.com/woke has been good, multiscreen streaming from all over. A lot of mask wearing going on but not much in the way of social distancing. Protests have spread across the world a bit too now, big one in Paris, although theyre always up for it. The whole world has gone fucking nuts, and while you can't blame Trump for centuries of racism in the US you can blame him for being a cunt.

Edited by TheTeapot
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Trump is playing perfectly to Redneck USA.

God-fearing Bible-Basher.

Will use all force necessary to put down this black revolt.


As Stinky says the more it kicks off the better he'll look putting it down.

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