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On 6/1/2020 at 11:58 AM, Rog said:

When President Trump said "If you loot we'll shoot" he should have carried his threat through.  As for ANTIFA they certainly a terrorist organisation and should be proscribed.  In any case if Floyd was complaining that he couldn't breathe the question is if he couldn't breathe how could he have said anything?

If Floyd had simply done what he was being TOLD to do, same with most people killed during similar police incidents, he would still be alive today.

What in the fuck is this post you absolute cunt.

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Just as Caligula was killed by one of the Praetorian Guard, the elite personal bodyguard of the Roman Emperors, so I believe Trump will be shot by a Secret Service agent who has simply fucking well had enough...or who is paid by Melania.

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4 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

It seems to me that ANTIFA is a name made up by those that would like to lump all protesters in the same group, psychological warfare style, probably invented by the same company that came up with pro-life as a buzzword.

You are correct. There is no organisation called Antifa. It is a collective name for anti fascists.

Given we have just celebrated the 75th anniversary of VE Day. I would have thought being an anti fascist would be seen to be a good thing.

I doubt fascists celebrate VE Day!


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