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@TheTeapot I think you spelt imbecile wrong.... 

It is a painful watch and it is interesting to note that the only time he does not try and cut across the interviewer is during a period where the interviewer is telling Trump how his supporters want to hear from him, hang on his every word and dismiss anything that he, and several other news agencies, reports as being "fake news".

You can tell just how much Trump love's hearing this.

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46 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

I love some of the suggestions in the Press that he's going to ignore the result of the Presidential Election if he loses. Like, how could he do that?

He's been laying the groundwork to call it all a fraud for a while now. His constant attacks on vote by mail and his efforts to destroy the US Post Office. That's the plan, his campaign for reelection basically seems to be to attack the process. 

Edited by TheTeapot
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I'm worried that he will attempt to do that. Not just the postal fraud suggestions, but the "fake news" and "deep state" conspiracies play into that. Also he's using rhetoric about the "far-left Marxists" involved in the BLM movement supposedly threatening American Democracy to miltantise his core.

A close defeat and he'll mobilise on to the streets them by claiming -

  • election fraud
  • conspiracy by powerful shadowy people
  • extremist threat to the American way of life

I wonder, though, how many mainstream Republicans will go along with him. Surely there are senior figures in Senate, and the Supreme Courts, for whom democratic values are at the core of their political beliefs.

But Biden needs a convincing victory to prevent unrest.

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He will struggle to cancel the election due to the US Constitution;

And here is an article on what would happen if he refuses to accept the election results having lost;


"an unusual constellation of forces – the need to rely heavily on mail-in ballots because of the Covid-19 pandemic; the political divisions in the key swing states of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania; and a hyper-polarized Congress – all work together to turn Trump’s defiance into a crisis of historic proportions."

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