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9 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

Itll be the same strain that bojo had. the keep your head down for a bit variant.

Nah, it’ll be a ‘this coronavirus is a load of crap’ strain to prove what he’s been saying all along. He probably got it over the phone from the Brazilian guy Bolsonaro. Bojo’s strain was the ‘look, this is really serious’ strain. 

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It's really quite amusing. Washington is shambolic right now. Trump, wife, Hope Hicks, Kellyanne Conway, two other republican senators, couple of other aides and less amusingly 3 WH reporters, all from the same White House event the other day, an event for Amy Coney Barrett that shouldn't have been happening anyway.

Cnn are loving it, they don't like Trump much. 

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The US, and especially Washington, is an absolute shit show. Trumps doctor gave a update - everythings fine - only to have Mark Meadows off the record but conveniently filmed saying the opposite. He's had it a day or so longer than they've been letting on, and has been meeting people when he knew, been given up proven drug cocktails, its just a rollercoaster of nonsense. 

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