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1 hour ago, ThreeRaccoonsInATrenchCoat said:

It's remarkable the way the corporate news media have managed to gaslight everyone into believing this false image of Biden/Harris being the lovey dovey "liberal" option when they're nothing of the sort. Appearance and propaganda aside, Biden and Harris are the most far right, authoritarian, warmongering, and extreme option. Trump's a mild pacifist liberal hippie in comparison to those two. 

Yes, TJ

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2 hours ago, ThreeRaccoonsInATrenchCoat said:

Trump's a mild pacifist liberal hippie in comparison to those two. 

Trump isn't a pacifist.  Sure he has not pursued an aggressive foreign policy but his claims about voter fraud, involving lawyers should the result not being going his way, and refusing to step down as President are likely to help trigger a civil war.  

I can't help but think that this benefits Russia and China whilst dragging the USA deeper into the mud.

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1 minute ago, Declan said:

It just did. Trump's speech.

You mean his lie-fest? He claimed he's won states that haven't completed counting. 

He's well known for projection - claiming the other side is doing things that he's actually the one doing. And he's claiming fraud and claiming his voters are being disenfranchised. It's what HE is doing. He's been planning this for months.

It's why he put a fence around the White House. It's why he moved his party to the White House. He wants easy access to his bunker for when the shit hits the fan, and it will if he doubles down on claiming victory before the final count. And he will.

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Looks like an absolute clusterfuck looming. It's pretty much neck-and-neck.

The Senate race is very close too although the networks aren't reporting on those races as much. It's crucial for the democrats to win a majority in the Senate regardless of who wins the presidency if the House (safe dem majority)  wants to pass any legislation. McConnell has been blocking over 400 bills passed by the House over the past two years. 

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Just now, Roxanne said:

I feel quite sad today. I didn’t expect to, because being the eternal optimist, I thought the people would finally see through his tactics. 

Stockholm Syndrome is a bitch though - I should have known better. 

I think it's worse than that. I think the majority of America sees Trump exactly as he is. Depressingly, about 50% of them like what they see.

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