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Donald Trump


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Has anyone else noticed the toad, Nigel Farage, making false claims on behalf of "The Trump" in the UK media and on YouTube?  It strikes as a desperate attempt to remain relevant but also speaks volumes about the amount of crap that he will come out with to do so...

Morgan v Farage is a case in point;

Never in my life did I think I would agree with Piers Morgan.

And yes it is relevant to the US Elections as they discuss Trumps Presidency.

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3 hours ago, Roxanne said:

Apparently one of the major banks who he is in debt to going to publicise the extent of his loans, call them in and seize his assets if he can’t pay.  That might be interesting. 

Indeed - he may well not be in any position to repay so get in quickly.

Will he go to Joe's inauguration in January? Will he say the best man won? Will he be magnanimous in defeat?

Will he f**k.

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