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The sexual scandal, if proved true, will be the last straw.

You meam like the Monica Lewinsky affair finished Bill Clinton...... not.



There is having an affair and there is allowing yourself to be compromised by a foreign government which is overtly hostile to yours.



It wasn't an affair.... remember he didn't have sexual relations with her. Must be true coz he said that under oath.


Do you really believe that the Russians, Mosad or even the UK don't have anything on the Clinton's??

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First, Rudy G as Cyber tzar.......BWWWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Secondly, this is not the first Trump appointee who is totally unqualified and compromised towards the position.


Expect more of the this type of story to come out with scary frequency.


Cronyism pure and simple.


But obviously he's still telling the truth about "draining the swamp" and all that other gas.

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First, Rudy G as Cyber tzar.......BWWWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Secondly, this is not the first Trump appointee who is totally unqualified and compromised towards the position.


Expect more of the this type of story to come out with scary frequency.


I don't doubt it. How many of them will be true though?

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First, Rudy G as Cyber tzar.......BWWWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Secondly, this is not the first Trump appointee who is totally unqualified and compromised towards the position.


Expect more of the this type of story to come out with scary frequency.


I don't doubt it. How many of them will be true though?



Well there has been plenty that are true. Its just a matter of you getting past your "liberal" issues...

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There's still no proof of anything, and it's stinking to high heaven of the media destroying Trump like they did in the election campaign. I still don't like Trump, but with all the noise of hacking, russians, etc, there is zero proof of anything

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There's still no proof of anything, and it's stinking to high heaven of the media destroying Trump like they did in the election campaign. I still don't like Trump, but with all the noise of hacking, russians, etc, there is zero proof of anything


But they can do it. He rather publicly asked them to do it to Hilary...

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There's still no proof of anything, and it's stinking to high heaven of the media destroying Trump like they did in the election campaign. I still don't like Trump, but with all the noise of hacking, russians, etc, there is zero proof of anything

We don't really need the media to destroy trump. Take one look at his twitter, the man does it to himself.

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I have just done a non VPN search for Trump on Chinese youtubes. YouKou etc. Very little to be found. The SNL sketches Trump done in the past have been removed. Alex Baldwin seems to be banned here.


BBC, The Guardian, Breitbart news, Fox News, all working ok. Even the huff post app is ok.


CNN.. (Clinton news network).. can get the headlines, can't open the articles.


Buzzfeed? Yup. Opens no problem.


China does not like Trump... according to China.


Interesting comments from Rex Tillerson re the South China Sea. Sources say there is oil there. He wants China out of the SCS. China threatens war.


I suspect a receipt will bring down Trump. A receptionist will take a few million from a receipt for a new mattress for the Moscow Ritz Presidential suite :-)


It's a difficult position. The press is supposed to be the guardian of freedom. It's supposed to hold elected leaders to account. I watched the entire Trump press conference. Not good. He bullied them. He put no policy forward.


But the press has put him in power. The ratings battle for adverts and clicks. He gave free interviews, ratings soared. He even pointed it out.


We are all being fooled.


Russia and China wanted Trump. They know he can be bought.


Then again... Clinton was bought, as was Obama.


The press is bought.


Why is nobody asking what republican paid an ex spy to investigate Trump?


One new agency suggests it was Jeb Bush. If true, that is a scandal itself. Dirty Politics at it's worst.


Power for the sake of power.


The mass murderers of the 20th century were corrupted by power. Stalin, Mao and Hitler for example. They started out with a political ideal, and they were corrupted by their power. They pushed their agenda too far. They had an ideal, and they fought for it.


The power corrupted them. They considered themselves Gods. They were bad people. Millions died.


But now we have Trump, he sort of considers himself to be a God already. The constitution does not apply to him. He was born to lead. He is corrupt before he even stood for election.


Fuck me. I wish I was still living in the house I was born in, internet bare, and ignorant :-)

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First, Rudy G as Cyber tzar.......BWWWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Secondly, this is not the first Trump appointee who is totally unqualified and compromised towards the position.


Expect more of the this type of story to come out with scary frequency.


Cronyism pure and simple.



T'was ever thus.

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Trump is a purveyor of false news. As is Bannon, his ex Breitbart chief editor.


But so is the BBC. Carrie Gracie in particular. She posts BBC stories that she claims are banned in China. I read them on the BBC website... in China.. without a VPN.


To give the BBC credit, it might be banned in a particular part of China, but the blanket claim is false. When I click on my Firefox bookmark, on my Chinese phone, Chinese Network, headline "BBC blocked in China".


No problem. I can see it.


False news.


Not because of policy I suspect. Lazy reporting.


Carrie is monitored. If she can't open BBC.. Headline... "BBC banned in China".


She is saying "Great headline", as her Chinese staff look at it on their Chinese phones.


Edit spelling.

Edited by ScotsAlan
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