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20 hours ago, ThreeRaccoonsInATrenchCoat said:

Trump won the election.

Biden is 5.6 miliion ahead in popular vote.

He's ahead by 74 electoral collage votes. (306 to 232)

To win Trump needs 38 electoral collage votes to switch to him.

Georgia having a recount so their 16 votes might switch. Biden is 14,172 ahead there. 7K Trump votes were accidentally counted for Biden or 14k Trump ballots went missing, but no US election recount has overturned a majority of more than 500.

But lets imagine it gets overturned. It's now 290 to 248. Trump needs 22 more electoral college votes.

Biden's biggest electoral collage states are California, New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania. He's ahead by a million or more in the first three. Pennsylvania he's 68,312 behind that's a heck of a lot of dead people.

But say Pennsylvania turns too. That 270 to 268.  Trump still needs another state.

Michigan (16 votes) he's 147,398 behind

Wisconsin (10 votes) he's 20,546 behind

Arizona (11 votes) he's 10,377 behind

(Note Wisconsin and Arizona plus Georgia isn't enough for Trump)

So the least number of votes he needs to get disqualified are - Georgia  14,172 + Pennsylvania 68,312 + Arizona (10,377) = 92,861

That's nearly 100,000 votes across three states that he needs to prove were dead people, or out of time or invalid. Trump's lawsuits aren't even disputing that many.

He's been soundly beaten in the popular vote, and the electoral collage.


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5 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

Apparently he was up for bombing Iran's nuclear establishments last week too until his military heads talked him out of it. The man is a liability.

There's a bit more to the story though. Trump has been under pressure from Israel because the mullahs in Iran and various heads of the Republican Guard have been declaring for years that they will wipe Israel (Jews) from the global map and bragging that all their conventional missiles are aimed at the 21 US bases in the region and openly declaring that the US will face serious consequences if it decided to attack. And the Saudis now too, seeing a threat to their powerbase and influence in the region because of Iran's continued enrichment of low-grade Uranium, even bragging and baiting in news releases that it is wilfully flouting the agreements it made with all the major nations way back when, regarding restrictions on its uranium enrichment and the construction of facilties to do so. Even the threat that it would face crippling sanctions if it didn't cease with its enrichment program. At the end of the day, it's just Trump's usual sabre-rattling and all part of his strongman act. And possibly to highlight Biden's stated intentions to put the US back into the agreement old Trump walked away from. Which may or may not have consequences after the recent official warnings from the IAEA about Iran's continuing violations of the agreement with regards to its production and stockpiling. Is Iran taking the piss? It would appear they're going to great lengths to hide the extent of its enrichment program, if the link below id to be considered...


There'd have been no attack, it was an indirect reference by Trump to draw attention to and cast a cloud over Biden's statement that he is considering possibly renewing US involvement when he becomes president. A Trump ruse, thereby attempting to rouse the far-right republican activists into an anti-Iran, anti-Biden frenzy. He's a sore loser for sure.

It's the Iranian people I feel sorry for, having being forced to live for decades under constant threat, real or imagined of the Great Satan. Same with both Bush administrations. A once enlightened, cosmopolitan society now governed by, and under the hammer of, islamist-supremacist, terrorism-financing nut-jobs.  

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On 11/15/2020 at 8:10 PM, ThreeRaccoonsInATrenchCoat said:

Just a reminder that we still won't know who who is elected or re-elected president until mid-December. 

Trump won the election. Let's see if that is affirmed by the courts, or if the courts are also corrupt and will enable the Democrats and corporate elite to steal the election from him and appoint cretin Biden and Harris as their pawns in the White House. 

You should definitely follow QAnon, there's a veritable goldmine of "knowledge" and "proof" on there for pliable people to get stuck into and spread.....    

The simple fact is that there has been no fraud, no grand deception, and no global conspiracy.  One minute Biden is being labelled a dribbling idiot, the next moment he is the criminal mastermind behind rigging the largest, most complex election in US history.  Biden won by a landslide, and the election was not a referendum on the GOP, but on Trump himself. Hence why red senators kept their seats, yet people voted against Trump. Even Republican governors and Secretaries of State have confirmed it was the cleanest and most meticulous election in US history (risking the ire of the President...)

There is no conspiracy. Americans, including Republicans, were sick of the lying and hateful speech. He's spent four years slowly dropping the intelligence of half of middle America, who now believe any kind of nonsense they are fed by anonymous sources on Reddit, which the President of the United States retweets (that should absolutely horrify you).  The fact that the people who tend to believe all this stuff tend to be from poorly educated rural areas, and not from more affluent inner city Democratic areas should help explain why.  It's going to take fundamental changes in the American education system to sort this out, and big changes in how social media work (as they are much of the problem also)

January 20th, Trump is gone.  I am staggered that some people still seriously believe he will still be in power.  It's done, and by all accounts from people in his inner circle, he knows he's gone, but is keeping up the "fight" to keep the money rolling in for his "election defence fund", which is actually just milking money off people who don't know any better (and are the very same people he has nothing but contempt for), to pay off his campaign debt.

Also, the Supreme Court will do nothing, for all their power.  There is far too great a difference in vote counts for it to be something they would even contemplate getting involved with. No matter how many conservatives he stacks the court with.  

Pull yourself away from Hannity, Carlson, Pirro, Ingraham etc and start questioning the source when you see suspect "facts" being passed around on Reddit and Twitter.  Use some of the non partisan fact checking websites out there to do your own research.



Edited by somewhatdamaged
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On 11/17/2020 at 11:32 PM, quilp said:

There's a bit more to the story though. Trump has been under pressure from Israel because the mullahs in Iran and various heads of the Republican Guard have been declaring for years that they will wipe Israel (Jews) from the global map and bragging that all their conventional missiles are aimed at the 21 US bases in the region and openly declaring that the US will face serious consequences if it decided to attack. And the Saudis now too, seeing a threat to their powerbase and influence in the region because of Iran's continued enrichment of low-grade Uranium, even bragging and baiting in news releases that it is wilfully flouting the agreements it made with all the major nations way back when, regarding restrictions on its uranium enrichment and the construction of facilties to do so. Even the threat that it would face crippling sanctions if it didn't cease with its enrichment program. At the end of the day, it's just Trump's usual sabre-rattling and all part of his strongman act. And possibly to highlight Biden's stated intentions to put the US back into the agreement old Trump walked away from. Which may or may not have consequences after the recent official warnings from the IAEA about Iran's continuing violations of the agreement with regards to its production and stockpiling. Is Iran taking the piss? It would appear they're going to great lengths to hide the extent of its enrichment program, if the link below id to be considered...


There'd have been no attack, it was an indirect reference by Trump to draw attention to and cast a cloud over Biden's statement that he is considering possibly renewing US involvement when he becomes president. A Trump ruse, thereby attempting to rouse the far-right republican activists into an anti-Iran, anti-Biden frenzy. He's a sore loser for sure.

It's the Iranian people I feel sorry for, having being forced to live for decades under constant threat, real or imagined of the Great Satan. Same with both Bush administrations. A once enlightened, cosmopolitan society now governed by, and under the hammer of, islamist-supremacist, terrorism-financing nut-jobs.  

At some point in the future, I couldn’t say when, despite possibly at the time being leant on hard by the US not to engage, Israel will launch a preemptive, and no doubt massive, strike at Iran’s nuclear capability. And the Arab world, which fears and dislikes Iran, won’t respond.

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1 minute ago, the stinking enigma said:

Which rules are we talking about here?

Israel can basically be trusted to only ever threaten to use them as a deterrent against anyone using nuclear weapons against them. That's the #1 rule.

With places like Iran and North Korea it's much less clear. 

Trump probably would too if he could - but one has to hope that the men in white coats would intervene.

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