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3 hours ago, Roxanne said:


His Pennsylvania challenge has today been chucked out.

It's a worrying thought that this individual had any power whatsoever let alone a finger on the button.

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8 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

Interestingly, one of his supporters (I can’t remember who) gave 2.5 million dollars to the True the Vote campaign. He said he couldn’t find out what his money was being used for and a request for a detailed response were ignored so he asked for his money back  The organiser has ignored that too so today he filed a lawsuit against them  

This may get interesting.

I’m guessing he’s not the only wealthy but smart guy who has donated on the basis that there was solid evidence and whistleblowers a plenty to ensure victories  


Personally. A fool and his money are soon parted.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/15/2020 at 9:10 PM, ThreeRaccoonsInATrenchCoat said:

Just a reminder that we still won't know who who is elected or re-elected president until mid-December. 

Trump won the election. Let's see if that is affirmed by the courts, or if the courts are also corrupt and will enable the Democrats and corporate elite to steal the election from him and appoint cretin Biden and Harris as their pawns in the White House. 

Is Trump still winning?

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I see that as one of his parting gestures, DT has forced through a number of execution verdicts for some of those on US death row (often long-standing). At least one was executed last week for a crime committed when he was 18, well over 20 years ago.

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6 hours ago, Roxanne said:

I've become ridiculously interested in this.  After all my talk about not following the news, since the election I've become hooked on it all.

So have I. Trump is very, very clever the way he has manipulated both of his business and political careers, and people have swallowed it.

He has used the most basic organisational management tool i.e.disruption, and various psychological techniques to attain and achieve what he has. Can't blame him for that.

It is his vision of himself though that has become so distorted that once in that position of leadership his 'followers' have become almost 'cult like' in their adoration and to some extent inability to take on board any other reality than what espouses.

Get ready for the 'dead cat on the table' when he prepares to exit office.

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  • 2 weeks later...
11 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

I see Trump is steadily pardoning all his associates. I assume this will slowly ramp up to his close friends and family. He is a total mobster.

I think everyone expected him to pardon all his corrupt mates, but the murderers from Iraq was a bit of a surprise. So now Erik Prince owes him a favour...

Edited by TheTeapot
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