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Donald Trump


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Pence, McConnell and Graham, staunch supporters of Trump but all really in it for themselves, did their job. Senators Cruz, Hawley, Scott and the other 4 should be kicked out of office. And as for the more than 100 loonies in the house... Matt Gaertz, of Florida, stood up in the House of Representatives and blamed antifa for the break in ffs. 

The role of the KKK, sorry police, in what happened yesterday really needs looking at, they let that happen.

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5 minutes ago, Roxanne said:


It was almost as if it had been set uo...

Ahh... but by whom? Was it the Trump team who wanted a mob to take over the Capitol for a coup? Or was it those dastardly democrats, who by manipulating this situation they could force through their fraud on the back of the outrage? Was it the Russians just for a laugh? Ooooh.

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34 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

Two weeks ago he was up to half a billion dollars in donations from his supporters toward his 'stop the steal' campaign. He's probably way over the billion dollars now.

Even discounting the need for razor blades and rubber bands, that's probably plenty.

They just said this (above) on Sky News but didn't make it a billion (yet). Trump is still a powerful influence on his wealthy acolytes. Apparently he's going to embark on a global roadshow with a view to raising support for a run in 2024.

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Imagine how much his book will bring in, not to mention circuit speeches, and possibly even a film. Netflix anyone?

We're in the money (sung several times over)...

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23 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

They just said this (above) on Sky News but didn't make it a billion (yet). Trump is still a powerful influence on his wealthy acolytes. Apparently he's going to embark on a global roadshow with a view to raising support for a run in 2024.

CNN reckon that the movement to impeach him again is growing and if that happens he can't run again by law. Interesting to see if it gains any ground.

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I can't see Trump making another run for the presidency. He just wants to fuck the system up as much as possible before he retreats back to Trump Towers, and pretending that he will run again is all a part of his seizing victory from defeat. Once he's gone he won't be back. His arrogance and wounded pride will see to that. He'll just go and make another billion somewhere.

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48 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

I know I’m getting caught up in this but if I ever start watching sky news or any other news then please do smother me with a pillow.

Thank you. 

(glad to hear they agree with me tho) :)

This means somebody will have to be in the bedroom with you...:wub:

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2 hours ago, Roxanne said:

47M Americans are caught up in Stockholm Syndrome right now.

They won't give up on him. Imagine their anger if Trump gets impeached.  That way will surely divide fracture the nation even further.

He will already have planned his escape route.

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i never thought i would get a social media thread to out comedy MF until i started reading r/conservative, the logic jumps and blind ignoring of anything resembling a fact is spectacular and warrants a stand up routine surely. 

Thread about election fraud went from asking for evidence to Clinton controlled deep state MSM conspiracy theory in like 3 replies. Their standard answer is 'we have the evidence but can't show it due to MSM bias'. 

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25th Amendment (removal of Trump) now increasingly being discussed, not least on the grounds that Pence had to assume Presidential authority to bring in the authorities to clear the situation that Trump had created.

Trump had apparently been asked but declined to act.

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