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I find Carrie Gracie unwatchable. But then not many of the presenters of slanted news there are much different.

Bubble journalism.


I live in the same country as her. But we live in different worlds.


She lives in the Empire. I live on the blue spec called earth.




Typical BBC. A member of the Elite. This is why Trump won. But they don't get it. The elite can't see it.


For the record , my eldest daughter went to Edinburgh University. She got a degree in PE. She wants to join the Scottish Prison service. I was lucky that I could afford to pay the rent on a flat while she studied. I see the contradiction... that makes me and my daughter elite.


But when I was paying the 250 quid per month rent, I was eating baked beans most nights.

Edited by ScotsAlan
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Mr President Elect, the very heterosexual class act. It appears that so long as it is pussy and not cock that is the target of his activities, all is to be forgiven by some of like mind.




Contains link to audio of the show.

'In 2001, a gossip columnist discussed Donald Trump’s Russian sexcapades on ‘Howard Stern’

In February of 2016, a “Howard Stern Show” clip from 2001 had resurfaced of then real estate mogul Donald Trump, who had called into the show and engaged in a dick-measuring contest with in-studio guest and gossip reporter A.J. Benza. The two were snapping at each other over a woman they both dated, a model named Kara Young.

Benza and Trump went back and forth over who stole whose girlfriend, then this curious exchange went down:

: I assume A.J.’s clean. I hope he’s clean.

: Meanwhile, he bangs Russian people…

: Russian people?

: Who are you talking about, Russian people, A.J.? I don’t know anything.

: He used to call me when I was a columnist and say, “I was just in Russia, the girls have no morals, you gotta get out there.” [Trump’s] out of his mind.


Meanwhile in the Senate; http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/c-span-online-feed-briefly-interrupted-russian-tv-n706421

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I don't need to. Any idiot can see it's bullshit. That's like me saying "Prove the moon is in the sky". You're purposely trying to shift the topic into one of your weird conspiracy theories AGAIN.


So let's see what we've got today.


The "Unaffordable" Care Act will soon be history!


Man, they really dislike 'Obamacare'. Sigh, that'll screw over tons of Americans who will quite happily be like "Ooh yeah, taxes bad yo"

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