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7 hours ago, Apple said:

So, Trump is no longer allowed to use social media.

Whatever happened to free speech? In USA of all places. 

The man is currently the leader of the free World, he has all the free speech he could ever want. There is nobody stopping him from holding press conferences or even making televised addresses to the nation. The fact he generally chooses to ignore these means of communication is his own choice. Freedom of speech, this is the man who has purposely excluded a large proportion of the media from his briefings.


Yes, he has eventually been kicked off Twitter and Facebook but that it not the removal of the right to free speech. Those services are exactly that, they are services and if the owner of those services no longer wants you as a customer they are perfectly entitled to stop doing so. The fact that Trump prefers to express his opinion in bursts of 280 characters should be seen for what it is - a failing.

Edited by mojomonkey
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9 hours ago, Apple said:

So, Trump is no longer allowed to use social media.

Whatever happened to free speech? In USA of all places. 

Twitter is a private company and as such have the right to refuse their service to anyone, got fuck all to do with free speech and to double down the Republicans ratified this in the US when they decided (and made it law i think) that Christian bakeries could refuse to make cakes for gay couples.

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I largely agree with Apple and Mojomonkey, but there is a concern here about the potential power of these platforms. Yes, Trump has the means to circumvent them and go to the press, but ordinary folk don't.

What if Twitter, Facebook etc take the view that, as a capitalist company, they don't want anything on their platforms that challenges capitalism, and boot the socialists and communists off? And define anyone who supports regulation of markets or state provided health services or Tech Giants paying a fair share of tax as Socialist.

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@Declan That is one of the unfortunate risks of becoming reliant on private organisations for communication and distributing information, however, that is hardly new.

The complaints about the "mainstream media" are valid to an extent as they often promote the view of their owners/controllers rather than simply providing unbiased news.

I would suggest that if Twitter/Facebook do start to ban people based on a particular political view that is not inciting riots then those people would simply move to another platform.

Don't forget that before Twitter & Facebook we had Bebo and MySpace.  There is always someone else waiting to replace them...

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The whole issue is about who controls social media - should it be billionaire owners ( such as in the press) who can effectively silence one voice of opinion rather than monitor and remove posts that do not conform to their operational standards, which are made clearly explicit.

The current argument in the USA, and under consideration in the UK, is about who is accountable for posts made on their platforms. Is it individual posters (I support that) or is it the platform owners who allow such comments to be aired ?

Trump will take his million followers or whatever and set something up, if not his own social media either separately or in conjunction with a TV channel such as Fox.

Lets face it, the man surprises even till the end, and I think this is far from over

I think they do not have enough for impeachment though and as for the 25th, forget it. Just put it down to the destabilising effects of long Covid. 😁

But let's face it, sometimes BOJO can seem erratic with his decision making and U turns, last ditch negotiating and bumbling style. Notice they both have unique hair styles.

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Trump is running scared.

As soon as Biden has taken over, all of the court actions that have been bubbling under will be brought out into the open. All of the dodgy financial dealings will be investigated, again, and it will not be long before he is found to be bankrupt.

He'll probably also find himself being divorced.

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Americans go on and on and on about their constitution. Time to use it. Invoke the 25th and get Trump out of there and invoke the 14th to remove Ted Coup and Josh Hawley, along with a number of the house.

Otherwise it just shows that it is a pile of worthless crap.

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Good to see the CCP and various Ayatollahs, including Khominei haven't suffered the same fate. My thanks goes out to social media platforms who've allowed them to continue to post up sensible and caring humane advice, and loving spiritual guidance without exception...

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There are practicalities about using the 25th that mean it won’t happen- people having to permanently step down from their current positions for example, to get rid of someone who’s leaving in 9 days anyway. But...it’s looking HIGHLY like that he’ll be impeached, therefore losing his presidential pension, security, unable to stand for the position again etc.

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6 minutes ago, quilp said:

Good to see the CCP and various Ayatollahs, including Khominei haven't suffered the same fate. My thanks goes out to social media platforms who've allowed them to continue to post up sensible and caring humane advice, and loving spiritual guidance without exception...

Proper 'strawman' argument that Quilp.

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20 minutes ago, quilp said:

Good to see the CCP and various Ayatollahs, including Khominei haven't suffered the same fate. My thanks goes out to social media platforms who've allowed them to continue to post up sensible and caring humane advice, and loving spiritual guidance without exception...

Khominei as in the one that died in 1989? I'd be pretty impressed if he was posting his holiday snaps on Facebook or tweeting anything.

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