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51 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Khominei as in the one that died in 1989? I'd be pretty impressed if he was posting his holiday snaps on Facebook or tweeting anything.

Of course, but what I see is regimes. Trump, CCP, Putin et al; Iran is still a Khomeinist regime based upon his legacy and 'teaching' and is no different now than it was when he was alive. Big Tech is being selective in who it feels should be have a platform. Is this what Western democracy is all about? I don't think so, you and others might agree with its actions but it's pernicious, a matter of principle in a bigger picture. 

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5 hours ago, quilp said:

Big Tech is being selective in who it feels should be have a platform. Is this what Western democracy is all about? I don't think so, you and others might agree with its actions but it's pernicious, a matter of principle in a bigger picture. 

Completely agree. They have overstepped the line here and it will bounce back on them.

None of the CEOs of these big media companies are accountable so are they who we want to handle our view and opinions (and then sell them on to even bigger comapanies).

We are in difficult waters here.

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All this is whinging about Trump not be able post his Adderall fueled rants on Twitter yet those whinging don't seem to making much noise about the fact that Donald hasn't made any public appearances since last Wednesday. He could exercise his freedom of speech at any point if he made an actual appearance. The man is incapable of speaking without a script, it's bonkers that he actually made president. The American dream, where any ordinary boy with millions in the bank can grow up to be president. It's all rather surreal.

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8 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

All this is whinging about Trump not be able post his Adderall fueled rants on Twitter yet those whinging don't seem to making much noise about the fact that Donald hasn't made any public appearances since last Wednesday. He could exercise his freedom of speech at any point if he made an actual appearance. The man is incapable of speaking without a script, it's bonkers that he actually made president. The American dream, where any ordinary boy with millions in the bank can grow up to be president. It's all rather surreal.

He's hiding in the Führerbunker

Edited by TheTeapot
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55 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

All this is whinging about Trump not be able post his Adderall fueled rants on Twitter yet those whinging don't seem to making much noise about the fact that Donald hasn't made any public appearances since last Wednesday. He could exercise his freedom of speech at any point if he made an actual appearance. The man is incapable of speaking without a script, it's bonkers that he actually made president. The American dream, where any ordinary boy with millions in the bank can grow up to be president. It's all rather surreal.

Just shows how much money talks in the American political system. But just how do the Republican Party come back from this self-imposed public mauling?

They chose him, promoted him to the electorate, put him in power. He's hardly been the ideal advertisement. They've ridiculed not only America's international standing but also themselves.

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He is probably the most reviled man in the world right now but he is a phenomena whether we like it or not. I neither support or condemn him as actually I can understand some of the things he advocated would attract support in the USA.

His name, family, businesses, legacy whatever are made now and he has a huge following. Its like a cult. They almost worship him. And that is a problem in America. God and politics are so intertwined. Couple that with (populism) celebrity and money and this is where it takes us.

At the moment he and his associates / family / followers are being demonised. The point is how long for and then what comes after.

Interesting times still ahead. His time in office will be studied in scholarly terms I suspect at some point.

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Is Trumpism a cult? As you said, America is jam-packed with cults, to an extent that it can be socially problematic. That's how easy Trump attracted so many followers and led to the scenario it has now with Trumpism. Here's a ten-minute video which gives an insight into how Trump became the divisive phenomenon we see now and the problems it has raised. The cult of Trumpism isn't going to disappear any time soon...

It can only get worse before it gets better. 


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As we speak there'll be wagon trains of Trump cultists heading up to the deep woods and the dark swamplands of America. They'll be taking tools with them, high powered hunting rifles, bibles, and flags to start all over. They'll build cabins in the woods, set up training camps, schoolrooms for their children, places of worship, and places to store the ammunition. They'll elect their leaders. They will tabulate their grievances. Their motto will be E Pluribus Dumb.

We've not heard the last of the Trump. 

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