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18 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

Are the us death figures much worse than the uk's. Doesnt seem that much in it to my back of a fag packet estimation

In terms of per pop for confirmed covid deaths*, no, the UK is actually worse. The area/states around new york are higher. But I don't think the US have been particularly accurate or indeed honest with their figures (especially Florida) and comparing the all cause mortality from the CDC with the all cause from the ons shows the general rate of death in the US over the last year to be significantly higher.

*worldometers figures

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55 minutes ago, Apple said:

Thats not all his fault.

Would you say the same things about Boris?

I am no fan of Trump but there were ands still are some serious issues to deal with....corruption mainly.

that aged like milk in the last hour

"Making one final mockery of his 2016 campaign promise to "drain the swamp," President Donald Trump early Wednesday quietly revoked his own executive order barring administration officials from lobbying the agencies for which they worked for five years after leaving government, freeing up a potential line of employment for outgoing White House staff."

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2 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

Trump departs the White House now, he's having his own send off at Andrew's Air Force base having refused to attend Biden's inauguration. No Mike Pence there to see him off either. Wife Melania leaves with the lowest ever rating for a First Lady of 37%.

Sky's Adam Boulton describes Trump as "an arrogant, petulant man".

That's a bit hard on Melania, but then Trump's base hates immigrants.

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A professor at New York University has written an interesting piece about past presidents and their misdemeanours.

It's fairly long, but definitely worth reading. It was said of Warren G Harding (29th President) “No other such complete and dreadful nitwit is to be found in the pages of American history.” I think that the last incumbent may have trumped him!



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On 1/21/2021 at 4:55 PM, Roxanne said:


That must be hell on earth. I'd be looking for a new job. How do you stop yourself from punching them in the throat?

It's frustrating but there is no real way to deal with it. I've of course tried taking the piss, but that just seems to make them double down, so i then tried showing actual evidence of reality, and it just gets glossed over.  I think they simply want to believe and nothing you show them makes any difference. Maybe in their hearts they know, and its a bit humiliating?

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