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Donald Trump


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What a load of nonsense. Just dredging up any old crap from the web and believing it. There used to be this word: evidence. I think it's been abolished.


You mean like people reposting Trumps many, many, many tweets which most of the time contradict him or just show him to be the bare faced liar he is?


No. Like I said, just dredging up any old crap from the web and believing it. The last refuge of the old order as all the previous "truths" are swept away before their eyes.



Have you ever listened to Alex Jones on INFO WARS?

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Certainly not. Do you recommend it?


As long as you realise that its all horse shit and right wing wank fantasy.


Suppose it would make a change from the left wing variety. Presumably you use it as an antidote to your own ramblings?



You left out liberal...

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I never thought I'd think it, but I hope Hillary Clinton wins it. I'm right wing on most things and I don't mind pissing off the liberals and like to see them put in their place but this fella is a step beyond reason.

Yes, That's right. At the outset I actually would have preferred to see Clinton win it, and like everyone else I didn't think for a minute that Trump would be elected, but in the new situation, all things considered, I am prepared to reserve judgement and see where it takes us. Even Obama concedes that Trump is not a fool and he has gathered some smart people around him. It would be possible to make matters worse, but not easy. The "genuine politicians" have hardly covered themselves in glory. All of this hysterical nonsense from the liberals is actually very entertaining. It's lovely to see them decry democracy when they suddenly don't get their way for a change.

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