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Donald Trump


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Just now, The Phantom said:

I'd love to know the odds on that.  I think it's a distinct possibility.  Surely you'd think this would all be a bit stressful for a 77 year old! 

But then, I was certain Biden would croak early on and leave a Black Woman as president. 

Haven't you heard? There's two Bidens and one died. The new one has different ears. (According to local conspiracy nutters).

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Could also go in 'Russia' or 'Be prepared'. 

An idea for a new book…. 
1989 Beginning of the World Wide Web.
1991 Collapse of USSR.
2001. 9/11 attack on New York.  USA takes eyes away from Russia
FSB identify WWW as a back door into NATO
FSB awaken assets that have been groomed for years with political support, money and blackmail in the western powers. 
FSB assists minor candidates in politics in the hope that with continued assistance, a few will rise to high office. 
Other coerced and willing assets are developed in finance. business and influential groups such as royal families.
One asset is provided with enormous wealth through manipulation of the stock market. He establishes a top level relaxation zone on a private island for top people to meet with complete security. Many forbidden temptations are provided to those who desire them. Evidence of illegal activity is recorded for ‘leverage’ . 
FSB use such leverage to influence the selection of a party leader who will run for high office. 
FSB finance and flood the www with enough propaganda to swing the independent vote and their man becomes President. The stage is set for a Russian asset to become president.

The new President is ordered to undermine the US system by removing established professionals in office and replacing them with controlled assets. He appoints hundreds of new judges, the House of Representatives is unbalanced by a few who are controlled. The head of the FBI is fired, a member of the Supreme Court is bribed and the Department of Justice is controlled by a ‘pliable’ Attorney General. 

The President has control of Congress. He undermines NATO by withdrawing troops from Europe while pushing for the end of operations in Afghanistan. 
A pandemic creates an unexpected crisis and slows the plan down. By the time the pandemic ends a new election cycle has begun. The pause is fatal. 
The President needs a second term to complete his mission of destroying NATO. He accepts the same assistance as before provided he supports an invasion of Ukraine. He slows down arms and funding to Ukraine and continues to weaken the US presence in Europe and openly supports the Russian president. 

The President is defeated in the election, so a challenge is mounted. This descends into an attempted coup that fails because the US military refuse to support it when retired Generals publicly remind serving officers their allegiance is to the Constitution, not to political leader. Believing the USA is now at its weakest the takeover of Ukraine goes ahead but fails. 

The defeated President undermines attempts to indict him with endless delays until he can run for office again. The Island owner is arrested but suspiciously dies in Prison, the corrupt Judge holds on. Congress is divided: funding to Ukraine is halted. The war continues. China demands the return of land taken by Russia at the end of WW2. Russia needs their man back.
The race for world power is on. 

Would you believe it?

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On 1/24/2024 at 12:26 PM, HeliX said:

Haven't you heard? There's two Bidens and one died. The new one has different ears. (According to local conspiracy nutters)

No, it’s the same Biden - but he’s had a chip inserted into his brain, to keep him upright and - er - presiding…

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1 minute ago, The Phantom said:

He's not playing Trump is he? 

Nahh - he’ll be a CIA agent gone rogue, who’s seen through the puppet President and the Russian plot, and has to assassinate the President in the face of the “loyal” secret service…or something like that…

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  • 2 weeks later...
12 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

All Trump has to do is complete a coherent sentence and he will beat Biden. The guy looks like he has just been wheeled out of his nursing home anytime he appears on stage and starts talking 


He's too old and forgetful to be charged with essentially one of the same things that Trump did! 

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33 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

All Trump has to do is complete a coherent sentence and he will beat Biden. The guy looks like he has just been wheeled out of his nursing home anytime he appears on stage and starts talking 

Trump is 77 years old and also prone to gaffes and often talks incoherently.  He may have more energy than Biden but is that any better?  Frankly it is shocking that the US has two people vying for the presidency when they should be retired.

11 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

It's crazy that a country like America has these 2 as their options. I know British politics isn't much better.

It isn't but at least the candidates are younger.

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