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Donald Trump


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Man, it's so weird not being on the same page as Woolley, heh. I do think Trump, a Republican house and senate is going to be a bad thing for poor citizens in the US and immigrants, but should be interesting on a world scale when he's dealing with the UN and other foreign countries. End of the day is he won, and random shitspraying at him isn't going to stick without proof. We're all just pissing in the wind on a Manx forum.

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Him winning made you change your mind and think he's not beyond reason? That is beyond reason.


No it isn't. It is now a fact and we have to look at things the way we are. It was difficult to imagine him as president, but then he won. So what are you going to do? The only course now is to see things as they are however undesirable you may find it. He has gathered a pretty strong team around him with a variety of views on the geopolitical situation. I don't see a crew of yes men.


I have seen many liberal idiots elected to office in my lifetime. Nothing I could do but I didn't go into the depths of despair about it. Liberals have to learn how to lose. Hopefully they'll be getting a lot more practice.

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I have said from the start, i'm going to reserve judgement until trump makes his stance clear on the horse tram situation


He's conflicted, believing them cruel to the horses but at the same time recognising that terminating them at the Sefton would be their death knell at a time when revenues are improving significantly

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He has gathered a pretty strong team around him with a variety of views on the geopolitical situation. I don't see a crew of yes men.


Are you being blind on purpose? His crony list is so bulging with self interest and conflicts of interest that its like looking at Dr Evil's Legion of Evil.

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And did you change your view of them once they won, because they won?


No, and they gave me no reason to. They had their chance but they all disappointed. That's why we are where we are. It was always somewhat different with them though. They were all of the same career politician mould and you knew what you were going to get.


I accept your point. I didn't want Trump to win before the election and he is clearly a loose cannon, but now I'm intrigued to see what will happen with a leader of the Western world who doesn't automatically think that you should be daggers drawn with Russia, doesn't automatically think that you should open your borders to all and sundry as long as they provide cheap labour, doesn't automatically pray to the god of globalisation and is happy to call a spade a spade. Let us watch from the sidelines and see what happens.

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He has gathered a pretty strong team around him with a variety of views on the geopolitical situation. I don't see a crew of yes men.


Are you being blind on purpose? His crony list is so bulging with self interest and conflicts of interest that its like looking at Dr Evil's Legion of Evil.


Oh yeah, and the Clintons are all sweetness and light.

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