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Donald Trump


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German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schauble has warned President-elect Trump against protectionist policies.
"Whoever wants growth - and I trust this administration will be a growth-friendly one - must be in favor of open markets
Protectionism can afford short-term advantages but is almost always damaging in the long term.”


yep look at the eu

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clearly a loose cannon, but now I'm intrigued to see what will happen - happy to call a spade a spade

He'll deny ever having called a spade a spade or that anyone on his team has had any contact with anyone who called a spade a spade. "FAKE NEWS".

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clearly a loose cannon, but now I'm intrigued to see what will happen - happy to call a spade a spade

He'll deny ever having called a spade a spade or that anyone on his team has had any contact with anyone who called a spade a spade. "FAKE NEWS".



And then the Tweet will emerge and the YouTube video, the news articles quoting him...

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He has gathered a pretty strong team around him with a variety of views on the geopolitical situation. I don't see a crew of yes men.


Are you being blind on purpose? His crony list is so bulging with self interest and conflicts of interest that its like looking at Dr Evil's Legion of Evil.


Oh yeah, and the Clintons are all sweetness and light.



Compared to the buffoon yes, yes they were.

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Yeah, but as it happens so often, people won't pay attention to it.


Are you kidding? His Twitter follower numbers are through the roof.


Not because people agree with his bullshit, but because they want to jump all over it to point out what a clueless moron he is.

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His Twitter follower numbers are through the roof.

He's a long way behind the Bieber. I bet that pisses him off. He might be brave enough to take on ISIS, North Korea or China, but I bet he hasn't got the balls to take on the Bieber and his army of beliebers.

Edited by Mr. Sausages
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It is funny how many otherwise seemingly rational people have completely lost their shit over this election. The left have gone totally bonkers. I have friends who are nearly foaming at the mouth over it (including one who did actually get so angry in the pub he got them little white specks of spittle in the corner of the mouth that normally only deranged people get).

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