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Donald Trump


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I can see all the critical news agencies being slung out of the White House press corps and his own propaganda being trickled out by Breitbart. IF that should come to pass that would indeed be a worrying development.


Its already happening.


Seats that used to be reserved for actual news outlets are being given to "alternative" news outlets along the lines of bloggers and the like. Don't be surprised to see the like of Alex Jones there...

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If you don't think the music industry is run almost exclusively by men you need to open you eyes.





Clearly all men...



I suppose these new generation of women executives think it's appropriate for the likes of Miley Cyrus to dress in her underwear and bend over to grind into male dancers on stage in awards ceremonies or for Lady Gaga to simulate sex to sell records so they get rich.

Probably all voted for Hillary Clinton too although we're not too sure whether they want to blow up the White House as well or not.

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