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... waterboarding back on the table...

His argument to justify it was along the lines of "they're cutting peoples' heads off, we need to fight fire with fire", suggesting that he sees torture as a deterrent, or punishment. Scary stuff.


I can understand (though not necessarily agree with) the argument to use it as a last resort in extreme circumstances, but he didn't even bring that into it. And as usual the interviewer just let it go.



When the former head of the CIA publically says that it doesn't work, and the majority of the time they were given useless or even detrimental information as a result of "enhanced interrogation" says all you need to know about waterboarding...



Whatever else he may achieve it's certainly good value watching the liberal hysteria.


How about we set you up for a session of waterboarding and see how hysterical you get afterwards...

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Quite the opposite.


Usually the advocates of such techniques have no comprehension of what actually happens during waterboarding.


I am willing to bet that if Wooley is given a session of waterboarding he would be confessing to any crime you can think of just to make it stop.

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Quite the opposite.


Usually the advocates of such techniques have no comprehension of what actually happens during waterboarding.


I am willing to bet that if Wooley is given a session of waterboarding he would be confessing to any crime you can think of just to make it stop.

As would anyone and that's the problem with it. If someone is holding a chain saw to your balls you will tell them anything they want to hear, so how reliable is the information? That would be my problem with it. No qualms with torturing a terrorist per se, but no point if you're going to get nonsense instead of reliable intelligence.

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It's the Independent so take it with a grain of salt, but looks like Donald Trump will be reducing US contributions to international organisations such as the UN by 40%




Which, whilst I dislike the UN, will probably lead more countries into bed with the untrustworthy Chinks.

Edited by Tarne
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Quite the opposite.


Usually the advocates of such techniques have no comprehension of what actually happens during waterboarding.


I am willing to bet that if Wooley is given a session of waterboarding he would be confessing to any crime you can think of just to make it stop.

As would anyone and that's the problem with it. If someone is holding a chain saw to your balls you will tell them anything they want to hear, so how reliable is the information? That would be my problem with it. No qualms with torturing a terrorist per se, but no point if you're going to get nonsense instead of reliable intelligence.


It's probably easier just to execute them.

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Quite the opposite.


Usually the advocates of such techniques have no comprehension of what actually happens during waterboarding.


I am willing to bet that if Wooley is given a session of waterboarding he would be confessing to any crime you can think of just to make it stop.

As would anyone and that's the problem with it. If someone is holding a chain saw to your balls you will tell them anything they want to hear, so how reliable is the information? That would be my problem with it. No qualms with torturing a terrorist per se, but no point if you're going to get nonsense instead of reliable intelligence.


It's probably easier just to execute them.



Does that make us just as bad as the "bad guys" cutting peoples heads off?

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Quite the opposite.


Usually the advocates of such techniques have no comprehension of what actually happens during waterboarding.


I am willing to bet that if Wooley is given a session of waterboarding he would be confessing to any crime you can think of just to make it stop.

As would anyone and that's the problem with it. If someone is holding a chain saw to your balls you will tell them anything they want to hear, so how reliable is the information? That would be my problem with it. No qualms with torturing a terrorist per se, but no point if you're going to get nonsense instead of reliable intelligence.


It's probably easier just to execute them.



Does that make us just as bad as the "bad guys" cutting peoples heads off?


Not if they killed first. No qualms about state execution of someone who had taken it upon themselves to behead somebody. It does not make us as bad as them. It is poetic justice.

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It is poetic justice.

Surely it lacks the ironic twist of fate which characterises poetic justice.


I think it would be poetic justice if, in the act of beheading someone, they slipped and cut their own head off.


Well that would save the bother, I agree. I do see where you are coming from.

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