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Donald Trump


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If the dog was a burkha wearing 'female' and Dennis had a beard and a suicide vest then you'd be spot on. Filthy creatures.

Lets see what else Donald Trump has said today:


Ungrateful TRAITOR Chelsea Manning, who should never have been released from prison, is now calling President Obama a weak leader. Terrible!
Eh, kind of with Trump on this one. Bradley Manning was quite blatantly insane and heavily mentally ill, that's why he became an unconvincing woman. Shouldn't put him in prison, should put him in an asylum. I am surprised Trump didn't intentionally piss all the LGBTs off by referring to Bradley as a him!
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There is no way manning is getting out of jail.


He's being released on May 17th, unless something blocks that.





Without whistleblowers how will we know the murky and underhanded (and potentially illegal) things our governments are doing in our name?

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So it turns out after all the uproar from the right, Trump and a sizeable portion of his staffers are using private email servers and unsecured mobile devices...


How did the chant go when Trump was running for office...


"Lock her up...lock her up!!!"


"I will release my tax returns...when she shows us the emails!!!"


And an article I read this morning (can't remember where, will see if I can find it again) said that almost half of Trump supporters interviewed didn't care that he is doing the exact same thing he was attacking Clinton for.

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import and export tax will finish the mexicans off

According to the FT it would also significantly damage US jobs. Assuming that the taxes would be reciprocated. For example 75% of US manufactured auto parts are exported to Mexico apparently. And much else besides.


I'm guessing this will be another of those things which Trump will say he wants - but then he will blame his administration for not implementing it. Same as torture. That's going to be his way of separating himself from the big announcemnents and what actually happens. He's not a team player. Mexican construction companies and suppliers will probably get the contracts to build the wall.

Edited by pongo
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@ Pongo: Mexican construction companies and suppliers will probably get the contracts to build the wall.


I very much doubt that. Unless you were kidding?


Why not?


Trump is all talk and no trousers about the American Jobs for American workers, especially where he can save money

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