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Donald Trump


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It is an interesting proposition to have someone unorthodox, who has been extremely successful in business and used to getting things done in the position of potus as opposed to "same old". Let us see what happens.

He's not been extremely successful - he inherited and has managed a mid-sized US corporation and had average to below average returns on that.

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It is an interesting proposition to have someone unorthodox, who has been extremely successful in business and used to getting things done in the position of potus as opposed to "same old". Let us see what happens.

He's not been extremely successful - he inherited and has managed a mid-sized US corporation and had average to below average returns on that.


I knew someone would come back with that. He has been extremely successful. Any view to the contrary is plain ridiculous despite it being the wisdom of the media.

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It is an interesting proposition to have someone unorthodox, who has been extremely successful in business and used to getting things done in the position of potus as opposed to "same old". Let us see what happens.

He's not been extremely successful - he inherited and has managed a mid-sized US corporation and had average to below average returns on that.


I knew someone would come back with that. He has been extremely successful. Any view to the contrary is plain ridiculous despite it being the wisdom of the media.



Forbes thinks he's worth about $4billion - top 300th or so. His dad was on the first Forbes list in 1983, but I can't find the rank. In 1985, after Donald had taken on the company he was listed as being the 51st richest. So he's fallen behind since then.


This seems a reasonable take on things:






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Its not hard to make money when you inherit $40 million...especially when you take into account inflation from the mid 70's.


ETA $40 million allowing for inflation since 1974 equates to $194,731,845.84

It's very easy to lose the lot too!! You don't turn 40 million into several billion by being a dick. Behave yourself!!

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He probably made a few quid from Trump university.

More than he had to pay out in compensation.


Strange thing about American Justice. Buy your way out. Plea bargains..... reduced sentence to admit guilt to a lesser charge... or just plain buy off the plaintiffs.


Elected judges who need funds to buy tv adverts... wow.


Politically biased judges on the Supreme Court who are hired to interpret the constitution in a particular way. That is the biggie for me. Separation of judiciary and politics does not exist in the US. But they they claim to be the utopia of democracy.

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The photo of May holding his hand...disturbed me. She held his hand... rather than point her finger to his face and call him out as a bully. I thought the bullied kids were supposed to be taught to punch the bullies in the face to teach them a lesson.


Cameron sold the U.K to china with that stupid selfie with the Chinese president. Now may servitudes to trump. Do any Torries have any fucking principles....

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