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rtard it was obama's list of the countries that are a risk to the usa, complied well before trump took office


Have you got any sources for that claim?


I tried and could only find links to right wing blogs and right wing leaning "news" articles in minor outlets.


bbc sunday politics

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rtard it was obama's list of the countries that are a risk to the usa, complied well before trump took office


Have you got any sources for that claim?


I tried and could only find links to right wing blogs and right wing leaning "news" articles in minor outlets.



It was widely mentioned across the media while he was in office. Do keep up.


Obama placed blocks on Iraqi immigrants after the 2011 Kentucky incident when the Al Qaeda terrorists were found there. Not a dickie bird was said at the time.


Pick and mix politics. You're embarrassing yourself on here mate. Quit while you're behind.

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rtard it was obama's list of the countries that are a risk to the usa, complied well before trump took office


Have you got any sources for that claim?


I tried and could only find links to right wing blogs and right wing leaning "news" articles in minor outlets.



It was widely mentioned across the media while he was in office. Do keep up.


Obama placed blocks on Iraqi immigrants after the 2011 Kentucky incident when the Al Qaeda terrorists were found there. Not a dickie bird was said at the time.


Pick and mix politics. You're embarrassing yourself on here mate. Quit while you're behind.



If you want to keep peddling a debunked "theory" be my guest.

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Trump knows these Mossad-trained jihadi's are queueing up to be sent into the US and create havoc, from the countries that have been destabilised by the same forces.


He's using a sledgehammer to crack a nut though and create a Christian v Muslim narrative for reasons only him and his team will know.

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Trump knows these Mossad-trained jihadi's are queueing up to be sent into the US and create havoc, from the countries that have been destabilised by the same forces.


He's using a sledgehammer to crack a nut though and create a Christian v Muslim narrative for reasons only him and his team will know.

Quoted for paranoia.

Let me just try to understand what you are getting at. ISIS = Mossad trained - erm ... evidence?

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Trump knows these Mossad-trained jihadi's are queueing up to be sent into the US and create havoc, from the countries that have been destabilised by the same forces.


He's using a sledgehammer to crack a nut though and create a Christian v Muslim narrative for reasons only him and his team will know.


The Israel Government are training Islamic Jihadists?

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