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The likes of chinahand and pongo can blather on all day long about putin, and what he stands to gain. As usual it's bollocks. The dunning kruger effect in all it's glory.

This invective might carry some weight if I ever claimed to be bright. But I don't and am always quick to admit that I am a b-stream dullard.

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Funding maybe. The likes of chinahand and pongo can blather on all day long about putin, and what he stands to gain. As usual it's bollocks. The dunning kruger effect in all it's glory. One country gains the most from strife in the middle east

May has just been to Turkey to sign a $100 million deal for fighter jets. She claimed Turkish and U.K. friendship goes back hundreds of years.


Makes me think of Gallipoli and the town of Drogheda in Ireland.


Winston lost his job over Gallipoli. He entered his wilderness years over that. The bust of Winston was placed between May and Trump during their press conference.... then she flew over to sell fighter jets to the guy who is working hard on being a dictator and is doing all he can to destroy secularism in Turkey. She laid a wreath at Attaturks grave then went on to do a deal that stands against everything that Attaturk stood for.


In my simplistic view, the easiest way to stop war is simply to stop making guns. But May is out there selling them to a despotic regime.


Human rights? Ha ha.


As a matter of interest... I had a chat with some young Chinese guys tonight... Fuck Trump they declared. I checked "China Daily"... yup... China is having a go at Trump for banning refugees.


I asked them how many refugees China admitted. I binged it. Zero.


They said too many people in China.


I binged population density. China is 80th, two places below the IOM. Yup.. the IOM is more densely populated than China.


When presented with facts.. the young Chinese... their response.... "We hate fucking Japanese".


And by the way, I used wiki to get the facts. Wiki in English, with no VPN. When I tried to change the wiki to Chinese, I got 404.


Their reaction... your are a foreigner... you get better treatment in China than the Chinese.


That sounds familiar. Straight from the Britain first handbook.

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Regarding Trump.


In China, I have limited news. Censorship and all that.


I have news apps on the IPad. HuffPost, Fox News, the Guardian, BBC, NBC, the Scotsman, the Daily Mail and CNN.


I can get Breitbart on the web with no vpn.


I can even get a Pakistan news website..




And this...




But I can't get YouTube.


It is driving me mad that I can't get Alex Jones on infowars or the Young Turks. Or Sam Seeder.


Forget Alex Jones... don't want him. But I do want alternative American media that investigates and exposes. No stories on mainstream media to say what actions the countries affected are taking, for example.


Yemen can't have banned Americans, American special forces are fighting there. One died today. An exercise planned under obama, executed by Trump. Why are American troops in Yemen?


It's not fake news that troubles me. It's unreported news. While the Trump Muslim ban is headlines, what else is going on that is being ignored.

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