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stories here range from highly successful targeted operation to massacre, depending on the news source. i'd say somewhere inbetween. try that link al

Edited by the stinking enigma
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I did not expect you to have an anti-china post, fair play to you.


We also talked about Taiwan.


This is the biggest danger. Trump thinks he can use Taiwan as a chip on the bargaining table. Nope. China will not budge on this. It is written into law. Article 8 is the biggie...




I have not met any Chinese person that does not disagree with the one China policy. From pot smoking bikers to angst teenagers, from villagers to factory managers... the one China policily is deadly serious.


Take it from me, in China... if Trump starts on that, China will take military action.


This is my greatest fear. Trump thinking Taiwan wants independence, just the same as NORAID thought they were paying to get the Brits out of Ulster...

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stories here range from highly successful targeted operation to massacre, depending on the news source. i'd say somewhere inbetween. try that link al

That link worked without a vpn. As did Mother Jones.


Makes me think about the taxi driver killed in a drone strike.




Imagine if he had been a migrant taxi driver in New York targeted by a foreign power.

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In his speech, Bannon articulated a view of the world as a constant conflict between the capitalist "Judeo-Christian West," which is a benevolent force of "enlightenment," and the malevolent forces of socialism, atheism, and Islam.


he's lumped you in with the socialists and islam quilp. read it and weep fella


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stories here range from highly successful targeted operation to massacre, depending on the news source. i'd say somewhere inbetween. try that link al

I agree. Somewhere in between.


But come on. What if America done this in Germany? Or France, or the Island?


How did they get their info on where to strike.


Tin hat time.... ha ha


I like forums. I was made a mod on one of the most popular "expat" websites in China. But I made my socialist tendencies clear. That is my political view. I was destroyed by right wingers. They published my name, exposed me. I had no power to ban them from the site. So I left.


Pulling my tin hat on tighter....


The CIA has a massive budget. I am positive that they pay for American agents to come teach in China and to try to set up anti CPC sentiment. It's difficult to really put my finger on why I believe this, it's just a feeling off "if you are so anti China why did you come here?"


Of course, many come to get a wife. Ex military, with no skills apart from speaking English. Strange people, who talk of machine gunning brown people.


You would be amazed at how racist many expats are.


Of course, by definition, you have to be mad to live here. And most foreigners living in China are mad, myself included. My Brit mates here would would be eligible for social workers back home.


But they get on with the basics. Doing trade or whatever.


But so many Americans are anti China, I do wonder who is paying their wages. I wonder why people move to a country they so openly hate.


I don't love China, nor do I hate it. My home is where I hang my hat. My double skin tin foil hat :-)

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Bannon = Braeitbart.


I was reading a Breitbart article recently.... wait... let's find it...





Not this one.... erm...





Nope... one more try......




Have a look at this one. Not the one I wanted, but this article says how bad China is for not letting Muslims be Muslims..


Breitbart. Anti Muslim. But pro Muslim in atheist China. And Steve Bannon is now the second most powerful man in the "free" world.


Edit... sorry. Got links messed up. But last link about Christian's in China... totally false. Issued under Bannon management of Breitbart. There are foreigner churches in China ( usually African or American Pentecostal or Baptist), I know of one Chinese Church close to where I live, but in general, most Chinese have never even heard of baby Jesus. I don't know a single Chinese Christian. But I know loads of party members.

Edited by ScotsAlan
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american troops are in yemen because one of the aircraft was shot down so it couldn't have really been denied. without that this soldier would have died in iraq or afghanistan

Yup. That aircraft was a long way from Texas.


A few months ago an American destroyer fired some missles at Yemen because someone in Yemen fired an AK47 at the destroyer. When questioned about why the American destroyer was in Yemen waters, I think Obama said it was there to make sure the civil war was being fairly fought.




I made the last bit up. They were not there to make sure it was a fair war.


I have no idea why an American warship was off the coast of Yemen.


The same as I have no idea why Trump sent American special forces in Yemen yesterday.

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