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Donald Trump


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or you learn to read the thread before postingwhatever.gif


Trump wants to break up the EU. Same as Putin, bizarrely.

and china



Please grow up and quit the silly emojis. I assume you're not a child.


My point on grammar is that your addition post could be read "Trump wants to break up the EU and China". In fact adding "and china (sic)" doesn't really fit anywhere grammatically to give the meaning you appear to have meant.

Edited by mojomonkey
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Nigel Farage has challenged the EU Parliament to invite Trump to speak to them and discuss their differences in order to show that they are a democratic institution. I doubt they will be keen.

I am pleased that the govt and the entire imaginary British establishment continues to snub Farage and his lackeys. He really is a piece. It was laughable him seriously apparently believing that he might in any way be suitable to be an Ambassador.

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I wonder what Trump is going to do when North Korea saber rattles again. Iran just saber rattled with a missile launch that 'potential' could have breached their UN security council resolution, and he's "put them on notice" whatever that means. Tehran has said it will take "proportionate legal, consular and political action" over the executive order, while Iranian president Hassan Rouhani warned Mr Trump "will cost the US a lot until he learns what is happening in the world".

So yeah, that'll be interesting...!

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Trump isn't stupid. He may be many things but stupid he isn't. He's issued an executive order(s) that is totally out of all proportion to what it is purported to address, to probably see how much of the federal government he can count on and which parts are capable of stabbing him in the back.

He's probably intentionally gone overboard with the green card holders bit, knowing full well that this won't be part of the eventual legislation. In which case he'll eventually backtrack on it, the people will think they've won a moral victory and that 'people power' has won the day and he'll be able to pass the bare bones of what he originally wanted to do in the first place. All the while he's also been able to rout parts of the government and individuals that are loyal to Obama and not to the reporting structure they're paid to be.


He may give the impression of being a (billionaire) buffoon, contradiction in terms, but he's surrounded by smart people and once the short term noise has died down his new administration will have set the parameters for doing the business they want to do with people who they can trust on following orders.

Can you give a date he's going to stop being an idiot so I can just copy-paste whatever the top two news stories are to demonstrate that you shouldn't have faith in dayglo orange tits with no inside voices?

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