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Quilp, I wouldn't watch this if I were you.



Ah, but I did, I had to...


The religiosity of it all predictably disgusted me though came as no surprise. Many millions of Yanks will clasp their hands together in rapturous agreement and behold his vision. In a country where, after all, Atheists are higher up the list than paedophiles on the most-despised, top-ten, according to some polls.


Without doubt, during Trump's term the US will see a spike in Ultra-Conservative, christian-fundamentalism. Even if Trump has a grassy knoll moment, Pence is even worse.


Trump said, "America is going to straighten the world out!" and, "it may not be pretty for a while!" "Freedom is a gift from god!" this last statement drawing rapturous applause. Redneck rhetoric at its finest. All backed up with statements such as, "As long as we have god we are never, ever, alone." to maintain the sanctity.


"Faith and prayers have inspired me - (they are) a constant source of strength!" "People come up to me and say 'we are praying for you, Mr President'... "


Pass the fucking sick - bag.


And that Chaplain Black: ("Your Majesty King Abdullah...") an obsequious little braggart if ever there was one. Destined, possibly, for great things under Trump.


Every country gets the government it deserves. We shall see.



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1. often Fascism
a. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.



Fascism doesn't apply here. Seriously not trying to call you out on it, but you're using it wrong. I don't like Donald Trump either, but fascist is not the correct word. Violent suppression of the opposition seems to be coming more from the Democrat side too. It's Bernie Sanders supporters all over again being loud, do you at least remember how loudly they crowed?


It's a pretty standard Republican government for the most part, I know you're probably too young to remember the Clinton years, or the Bush years (when Bush took over there were similar protests by Democrats). Less religious than previous years but still has a big religious portion, it's bizarre I know.

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Its not as far off as you suggest there Tarne, if you break that definition down.


He is certainly flexing his authority muscles, federal laws so you could argue centralising power, it is definitely a capitalist economy and he is talking up protectionism so you'd say that's government controls, he frequently shouts down any opposition, hes not brought out the troops yet but they can't be far away at one of these mass protests and he most certainly has a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism. Give it a year and I reckon he'll fit this description pretty much perfectly.

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...I know you're probably too young to remember the Clinton years, or the Bush years (when Bush took over there were similar protests by Democrats).


You know wrong.


I am old enough to remember the Bush Senior days.



a. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.


That describes the Trump administration to a tee.

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