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He's been in power less than a month, you can't change the US into a facist society in less than a month from Hope/Change Obama's presidency, unless you're actually saying Trump isn't an idiot but is in fact a super evil genius, smarter and faster than all presidents before him. You just disagree with his policies, that's all it is.




That's a news story from 2001 about the thousands of protestors protesting the Bush inauguration, and oh look, it's a carbon copy of now.

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He's been in power less than a month, you can't change the US into a facist society in less than a month from Hope/Change Obama's presidency, unless you're actually saying Trump isn't an idiot but is in fact a super evil genius, smarter and faster than all presidents before him. You just disagree with his policies, that's all it is.




That's a news story from 2001 about the thousands of protestors protesting the Bush inauguration, and oh look, it's a carbon copy of now.


He isn't the brains of the outfit. That "accolade" belongs to Pence and Bannon.


He is just the "popular", loud, demagogue, figurehead.

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He's been in power less than a month, you can't change the US into a facist society in less than a month from Hope/Change Obama's presidency, unless you're actually saying Trump isn't an idiot but is in fact a super evil genius, smarter and faster than all presidents before him. You just disagree with his policies, that's all it is.




That's a news story from 2001 about the thousands of protestors protesting the Bush inauguration, and oh look, it's a carbon copy of now.


The people were right to protest Bush Junior. He destroyed the deficit that Clinton left and took his country in to an on going global conflict that will most likely never end (and all on the credit card).

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...I know you're probably too young to remember the Clinton years, or the Bush years (when Bush took over there were similar protests by Democrats).


You know wrong.


I am old enough to remember the Bush Senior days.



a. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.


That describes the Trump administration to a tee.


This is just hysterical nonsense. No doubt the BBC and Guardian would approve, but it has no basis in fact. The USA is a democratic republic with a written constitution full of checks and balances to the power of the executive. It is the antithesis of a fascist state.

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...I know you're probably too young to remember the Clinton years, or the Bush years (when Bush took over there were similar protests by Democrats).


You know wrong.


I am old enough to remember the Bush Senior days.



a. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.


That describes the Trump administration to a tee.

This is just hysterical nonsense. No doubt the BBC and Guardian would approve, but it has no basis in fact. The USA is a democratic republic with a written constitution full of checks and balances to the power of the executive. It is the antithesis of a fascist state.
That might be true in theory, but most of the checks and balances only kick in after the fact.
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Team Trump making up more fake news. Kelly Anne Conway blames Iraqi refugees for massacre that never happened.


Take your pic on sources.


On the left we have the Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/feb/03/kellyanne-conway-refugees-bowling-green-massacre-never-happened


On the right we have the Telegraph. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/02/03/bowling-green-massacre-kellyanne-conway-mocked-using-alternative/

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Team Trump making up more fake news. Kelly Anne Conway blames Iraqi refugees for massacre that never happened.


Take your pic on sources.


On the left we have the Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/feb/03/kellyanne-conway-refugees-bowling-green-massacre-never-happened


On the right we have the Telegraph. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/02/03/bowling-green-massacre-kellyanne-conway-mocked-using-alternative/

More complex than that - refugees come to US in 2009, in 2011 IUDs are found in Iraq with their finger-prints on them, leads to investigation.


I think a sting is arranged selling them dud arms - They take the bait. On arrest they admit to taking part in attacks on US soldiers in Iraq - heavy sentences and an increase in processing refugees to stop people like them get in result.

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