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Why is it a disgrace? He wasn't stopped from entering, it just took longer than expectated due to the massive queues


I used to go to the East and West coast very regularly and it used to really piss me off that a jumbo-load of pax would pitch up at the immigration desks to find out of 15 desks (say) 14 were for US citizens and one for the rest. Once the US citizens had been processed that desk didn't necessarily then take aliens, oh no. More often than not they would just piss off.


I worked for a US multinational and had a Multiple Indefinite visa and there was absolutely no need for me to queue so they could make their little point that folks really really want to enter the good old US of A.


If a Congressional Medal of Honour holder was held up for hours at LHR there would be hell to pay....

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I got held up in LA back in November for an hour as they questioned me for an hour. To be fair to them, I am a bit suspicious with no job and limited cash, and my only accommodation was airbnb and couchsurfing. One that was checked out I was fine to enter though, just look ages and I was stressed. I'd hate to be a brown person!


On the flip side I've had to queue at Gatwick for over an hour too, but that was a few years ago. It seems a hell of a lot better now

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Today just as good as yesterday.



Melania Trump reveals plan to leverage presidency to ink ‘multi-million dollar’ endorsement deals - https://thinkprogress.org/melania-trump-reveals-plan-to-leverage-presidency-to-ink-multi-million-dollar-endorsement-deals-1999314fb8f1#.724ivx2t5


President Trump says 109 people were affected by travel ban. It's at least 60,000 - http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2017/feb/06/donald-trump/president-trump-says-109-people-were-affected-trav/


President Trump is now speculating that the media is covering up terrorist attacks - https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2017/02/06/president-trump-is-now-speculating-that-the-media-is-covering-up-terrorist-attacks/?tid=sm_tw&utm_term=.991e594f207b


It’s official. Congress has rolled back two Obama-era rules that curbed pollution and corruption. - https://thinkprogress.org/first-two-cras-8baa11e3bdd7#.ds1or7chf


Donald Trump Is Signing Executive Orders That He Doesn't Read or Understand - http://www.gq.com/story/donald-trump-is-signing-executive-orders-that-he-doesnt-read-or-understand

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This is an absolute disgrace:


"Victoria Cross recipient Johnson Beharry 'humiliated' by Trump 'Muslim ban'


I explained that I had been in Iraq fighting for the British Army but they didn’t seem to care’


He missed a veterans reunion where he was guest of honour.




Sounds like he was guilty of cutting his travel plans too fine. He was allowed in but it took a while longer, under the conditions of this temporary ban. Bit of a non-story really.

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apologies to woody2 and the trumpettes, but here is a link to the guardian.


i thought the one he did on the clintons was a better one in fairness to him but i haven't got a link to that. find it yourselves trumptards

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@ Stinky: Reading that load of puerile rubbish on your link it strikes me that the moderate liberals are only moderate and liberal when things are going their way and everyone, especially those in power, agrees with them. Now that, for the first time in a very long time, things have changed somewhat and their views are no longer accepted as unchallenged truth, they are showing a very unsavoury capacity to be rather illiberal and anything but moderate. It's very satisfying.

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He is non stop bullying his way through to get his way. If only some of our politicians had this kind if backbone with the EU. It doesn't make you any friends but well, they're the guys with the big guns. Still think it'll end in tears but it's going a hell of a lot better than I expected.

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apologies to woody2 and the trumpettes, but here is a link to the guardian.


i thought the one he did on the clintons was a better one in fairness to him but i haven't got a link to that. find it yourselves trumptards

what a load of shite

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