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Donald Trump


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He is non stop bullying his way through to get his way. If only some of our politicians had this kind if backbone with the EU. It doesn't make you any friends but well, they're the guys with the big guns. Still think it'll end in tears but it's going a hell of a lot better than I expected.


He is just the puppet signing his name (and going down as one of the least popular Presidents in American history).


Pence and Bannon are the real "brain trust".


I really suggest watching House of Cards on Netflix. Its almost as if the writers could see into the future...

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I've not seen house of cards. Didn't they do it all first in the West Wing? Really wish I'd spunked my bitcoin into Netflix shares a couple of years ago instead sad.png


The was a UK House of Cards series based on the same book in 1990



The US Netflix show is loosely based on the UK Version.

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This is an absolute disgrace:


"Victoria Cross recipient Johnson Beharry 'humiliated' by Trump 'Muslim ban'


I explained that I had been in Iraq fighting for the British Army but they didnt seem to care


He missed a veterans reunion where he was guest of honour.




Sounds like he was guilty of cutting his travel plans too fine. He was allowed in but it took a while longer, under the conditions of this temporary ban. Bit of a non-story really.

You missed out a very important part of my post. So here it is again:


"If a Congressional Medal of Honor holder was held up at LHR there would be hell to pay..."


This time I remembered to spell "honour" incorrectly.


ETA - apparently it was reported that one reason for his 3-hour delay was because he had Iraqi entries in his passport. Strange because we travelled on MOD-90.

Edited by P.K.
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Every morning I can't wait to check Twitter to see what the old scamp's been up to. He's like the gift that keeps on giving! Until you remember details like botched Yemen raids, families separated at airports, hate crimes, his own supporters being fucked over (quite a few deserve it admittedly, 'orrible twats)

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@ Stinky: Reading that load of puerile rubbish on your link it strikes me that the moderate liberals are only moderate and liberal when things are going their way and everyone, especially those in power, agrees with them. Now that, for the first time in a very long time, things have changed somewhat and their views are no longer accepted as unchallenged truth, they are showing a very unsavoury capacity to be rather illiberal and anything but moderate. It's very satisfying.

Did you just call Frankie Boyle a moderate liberal?

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